Curious, I've seem to encountered something unusual with my Warbler Mk1D.
When using my Warbler in conjunction with either a CAPI VP26 &/or a VP28 , I get insufficient gain and a loud hum. I'm talking I have to crank both the pre & output attenuater/fader full blast and I'm still not getting a sufficient signal and it's of course noisy as hell. This ONLY HAPPENS WITH THE WARBLER.
Anyone else encounter this?
1) This issue is non -existent while using a 3u Black CM-1 on both CAPI's. So it's not my capi builds/ 48v channels not working properly
2) The Mk1D works flawlessly on my ISA one- no hum plenty of clean signal.
3) All tests using the same chords & xlr's so the only thing changing in the line is the microphone.
Could this be related to the powersupply of my 3 rack lunchnox not having enough juice or something of that nature( it's only a cheap 3 slot after all ) or is it possible I have a bonk warbler?
When using my Warbler in conjunction with either a CAPI VP26 &/or a VP28 , I get insufficient gain and a loud hum. I'm talking I have to crank both the pre & output attenuater/fader full blast and I'm still not getting a sufficient signal and it's of course noisy as hell. This ONLY HAPPENS WITH THE WARBLER.
Anyone else encounter this?
1) This issue is non -existent while using a 3u Black CM-1 on both CAPI's. So it's not my capi builds/ 48v channels not working properly
2) The Mk1D works flawlessly on my ISA one- no hum plenty of clean signal.
3) All tests using the same chords & xlr's so the only thing changing in the line is the microphone.
Could this be related to the powersupply of my 3 rack lunchnox not having enough juice or something of that nature( it's only a cheap 3 slot after all ) or is it possible I have a bonk warbler?