[quote author="Mbira"]Doh, yes, I meant parallel...
My intention was to use two 7815's in an application that uses more amps than one could handle, but I guess that's playing with fire?[/quote]
Don't tie them together directly---it's an inherently unstable situation. The reference voltages are never identical, so the one that is slightly higher will dominate. But even if they were precisely identical the feedback loop stability is unpredictable. It's like tying the outputs of opamps together---generally a sure-fire recipe for oscillation, at the least.* It's one of the downfalls of the otherwise useful MFB inverting highpass active-filter topology.
There's probably a way, with a few external components, to use two with one slaved to the other. Of course two or more could be isolated with output diodes, but besides dropping the voltage the regulation will suck. Better to use an external power device as Al says, as shown in the datasheet app notes, or as Svart says, roll a discrete regulator.
*unless you want an oscillation to occur---remember the old adage, Amplifiers oscillate, and oscillators don't. :razz: