What project do you want for Christmass, guys?

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spase said:
N*ve 1081 and N*ve 1073 :)

Don't you have them already offered as kits/pcb's?

JohnRoberts said:
Something I can't do myself.


Best one ;)

RATMNL said:
A proper EQ. Don't know which.. Any ideas?

I already have Pultec, Sontec and Easy Active....

okgb said:
yup , some version of this,  Envy Looper !  500 style

You're not single man who want it, and I finished the PCB design about year + ago.
The prob with this, I am not sure about legal stuff, but I don't think if you build one - two units for yourself is a big deal....

shabtek said:
p2p tube something or other


Use Google Translate ;)

P2P+tubes is kinda object for idiosyncratic masturbation for people, who don't have any cue in PCB design (and, generally, electronics) but trust in good sounding cables.
If you can somehow prove p2p is better than right pcb design, just start topic about this ;)

alexc said:
A pcb for making a desk style fader - with balanced input, pan/mute/solo, fader amp, balanced bus outs for L/R and a unbalanced solo bus out + control line.

And to with it,  a metal face panel with legending and cutouts for PG fader and for illuminated square switches for mute and solo.


The idea being to easily make a high quality analoog fader panel. To go with all the nice DIY and summing amps.

Very specific thing. If I build the  mixer, I do it from scratch. (In fact, I already built some).

evilcat said:
Trident A range mic pre+EQ
or a Sta-Level comp...

Both boring for me ;)

mylesgm said:
sta-level build or a AM64 build or similar.

Also a simple modular desk channel like what Alex is talking about above.  Not the mic pre or eq but a simple routing module that could feed 2 auxes, with pan and fader capabilities.  This to allow building a modular console using all the summing projects kicking about.  maybe include HPF and LPF but simple rather than heavily optioned.

Not bad idea about modular deck. Also, I haven't seen here any useful summing design.
pachi2007 said:
I´m into 500 series now so:

A phase tool would be great, something like Radial PhazeQ


The EXTC is cool too.


The SPL transient plugin works great, I don´t feel the need for the hardware at the studio

Thx Santa

Why not just buy from Radial? If you want to diy his project, ask him for pcb/schematic ;)

sr1200 said:
thought of one more lol (sorry for the flood here). 

I could really use a unit that allows for a vol. adjustable stereo input and has a vol adjustable talkback mic that dims the input when a momentary button is pushed to a stereo OUT, and THATs it. no monitor selection, switching, summing, coffee machine, fax, etc.  Simple enough to build, just too lazy to do so.

Talkback combiner, already offered at my store, designed in 2006

ArnauTS said:
STA Level or something vari-mu stereo for mastering.

Vary-Mu for mastering. ARRRRR!!! ;)
Well, it is very "precision" topology for compressor. I'd not use "mastering compression" definition,
but 1...2 db of very distortive glue compression... yes, some (lot in fact) people like it; well, not in my taste, more I getting older, I prefer fast discrete transistor designs.

My first experience with Manley vary-mu in 2001: woa, looks ccccoooollll!!!!! woa sounds cool... (without comparing actually with equal level clean source);
I was more impressed by external look of unit and build quality.
Some years later, about 2009, I just passed a hi-res mix through it  (Lavry Gold converters, my passive level controller - mastering version with 0.5db steps);
after listening at equal levels, I was way surprised when found that I like source more than processed with Vari-Mu.... well, maybe, I have very weird taste.

From the other side, I have built in past thingie, based right on 6386 tube datasheet's cascode schematic.
EAR used 6ES7 and ECC88's, so I did, with some changes to adaptize it for my needs.
They work here about 6 years:
In my plans there is reissue of this compressor (with uP-based autocalibration circuit and digital control), but in 2013.

Same about Massive Passive. Try to play with sound with Easy Active with closed eyes at equal level ;)

Volume11 said:
I could use a good summing box. Something that rivals the dangerous stuff would be cool :).

It is not as hard to make something that rivals dangerous ;)

Well, guys, I thought you're more creative.
From the other side, I have an idea.

IJResearch White Series PCB's.

What is it?

A series of PCB's where easy design and lasy build are at first place, as well as our design skills and quality.

So..... After checking what is really missing for DIY:

Input PCB's with DB-25's for summing; inserts; outputs with relays to swiths them/between them; same for XLR's.
Good summing design. Modular moderate priced CRM with good quality. Expandable LCR and MUTE summing board for 8 channels.

(edit: have to mention clean, fast, balanced input with "zero field transformer" summing amplifier with insert and some output opt's -
Neve, API, clean).

Well....stay tuned.
First birds:
JohnRoberts said:
Come on guys where is your imagination? Who want's yet another clone of something that has been done before when you have an opportunity to define something unique.  (apparently several of you).

Oh well...


+1 ;)
buildafriend said:
soundsactive said:
rca op-6 would be fun....

1up on an RCA OP6, with phantom and pad designed into the PCB.

Too much space for single micpre, imho :)
I can put 8 Albatross pre's plus have 3 free slots in 51X rack. With fast discrete transistor design , stepped switches, 8414 Superperm laminations on input trannie,
and ability to have clean/transformer output and 150/600 Ohm input impedance.... dunno ;)
Maybe I have very weird taste, but I cannot agree with having useless for me 3RU tube pre in my rack
for any purpose except telling to customers it is unique and it sounds huge and nice as its VUmeter, while recording them through Neve/Albatross ;)
Sound - wise, statistically, fast discrete transistor designs are preferred by over 70% of people at blind equal level test.
An overdrive/saturation/distortion unit ala Culture Vulture
with choices of toplogy irons/opamps/diodes/tubes ?
or a special multiband compressor ?
JohnRoberts said:
Come on guys where is your imagination? Who want's yet another clone of something that has been done before when you have an opportunity to define something unique.  (apparently several of you).

Oh well...


then i would like to have a solid state dark matter mic pre.  ;D  workin on it ,

There is a guy in another area of this forum who want a re-esser, while I don't know that there is much of an end market for that. He should look into modifying a de-esser to reverse it's effect.

A dark matter preamp, doesn't seem possible, while perhaps a cryogenically cooled front end? (kidding)

Who needs an atomic clock when the computer automatically adjusts to some standard time somewhere?

A good Phase Correlation Meter pcb would be fantastic.
With mabe both meter driver AND a LED circuit to satisfy everyone. what do you think?
canford use to make one but they don't anymore and i think no one else in the wolrd is actualy making one (apart mabe from the big console manufacturer)
seriously it would be great and i'm sure a lot of people would be interrested in this PCB, eh?
And what about a nice DYNAMIC EQ?

For instance Sontec (or any 5 band design), but with a sidechain on every band and a treshold and ratio pots to control how much gain (+ or -) is happening depending on how much signal crossed over the treshold.
That would be a killer for mastering and also precious for mixing nervous chicks singing lead vocals!
Yup i know... it's complicated... and would be expensive as hell...
-A phase tool would be great, something like Radial PhazeQ
-Why not just buy from Radial? If you want to diy his project, ask him for pcb/schematic .

It was just a reference cos Radial is 500 series, could be little labs or other company.

Can´t it be taken one step further? Maybe freq select/Q? That would be awesome.

I DIY cos I learn a lot through the process.
I rather support small bussines that big companies.
I rather try to fix it myself if I can instead of sending to Canada or wherever
It´s a great feeling when something you build yourself actually works.

Why build a envy looper or a bus comp? Why not buy from SPL or SSL or Alan Smart?  ;)

because it's cool to build stuff ;-)
and with DIY,
we could make a 16 channels giant envy looper for drums,synths,loops etc...
for live performance and studio use
Dont be so hard on the Neve boys...You do have a few Neve projects yourself :) I like the idea of small PCBs for common tasks. Wonder why nobody has made a 12 step bal pad PCB for the Grayhill 3pole 12 step rotary that Audio Maintenance have in stock...I want a Eagle course for christmas..

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