what to get? 312DI or Ferrite Passive DI

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Active member
Sep 19, 2012
I'd like to get a nice DI and have been looking at the Ferrite Passive DI and the VP 312DI.

I've already got some VP26's that I could plug the Ferrite Passive DI into. Anything I'd be gaining from running it through the 312?

Just curious. Thanks.
Network Noise is online now 
Well lets look at it this way one is just a passive di the other is a full mic pre with a di. both will do the job so, if you ask me,  it comes down to weather you could use another mic pre.
or economy ,
a separate d.i. you can plug into any  preamp , if your tastes change or your inventory grows
if you want a particular preamp , the d.i. is a bonus , some gts like active others work better passive
fine to have both .
This is a DIY forum, so why not build your own? Bo Hansen's DI box is easy to do, is well documented and what's more it sounds good too!


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