What's the CHEAPEST way to get regulated +24vdc?

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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
London, UK
Commercial pcb, perfboard, whatever...
For powering german modules, springs, preamps, diy, etc, etc.
All links welcome...
don't know if it is the cheapest,
but at least it works :)

Hey Dubka,

If Volker does not have it on sale yet I have some of my own. By the way I am back now and I'll look up for the 1:4 input transformers you were asking.
I know this is quite sacrilegious but here it goes:


or maybe a little circuit like below but with a 24V 1/2W Zener



you are right, I should harmonize my German sales thread with my white market thread in here.
however, if you already have some pending transformer delivery from Sahib go with him.
lower delivery costs - you are in the same country!
Hey Volker,

No problem with me. I only have two prototype boards that I designed few years back which did not go into production. Now I don't even see the need to design anything since I can easily purchase from you.  Your board is better as it has a good size on board heatsink.
volker you got some bipolar supply??
im looking for a deisng with regs on the edge for maximum heatsinks!
Nice google skills Kato.  It's funny that the one with more parts is cheaper than a wall wart.
Thanks everyone.

Aren't those switching wallwarts noisey?
Those little pcb's look perfect.

Sahib - what were the 4:1xformers for?  I don't recall...
Dubka, no solution yet?
let me know how many of the small POSPSUs you would like.
(depending of your modules I have +24/+48 PCBs too, if phantom power is needed)

check out JLM-Audio

Nice little kits, quick delivery, best support
I use them a lot!

This is probably one of the best and cheapest!, and 4.8Amps lol!


Shouldnt be installed inside the equipment thou, unless you shield it.... I love power one/condor /whatever

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