Where to find an electrical engineer with microphone background?

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Jun 6, 2024
So it’s a bit tricky to find/hire electrical engineers who also understand microphone circuit design. Most are used to more computer based circuits/ systems. So I turn to this forum in hopes of finding where I should look and maybe even someone on here. Google search is unfortunately not very good at turning up real results. Any pointers would help! I see a lot of you are very knowledgeable and some maybe professionals, I’ve been lurking for a while but decided to just jump in and see.
Is this a real question?
buildamic are you starting a microphone company?

Most microphone designs are simple gain stages the electrical part is the easy part.
It is down to copy paste due to the web to start a microphone company.

Tell the EEs to do some research.

The harder parts are the capsule and acoustical parts.
If the EEs are good EEs they should be able to figure out the electronics.
Every electronic engineer should be capable to design a mic circuit, execute a proper layout and work on all regulatory issues like CE. It would help a lot to specify the task in more detail...

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