Why amazon why?

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2004
third stone from the sun
Head scratcher.
Ordered 4 x dpst switches from amazon. All 4 were in stock.
They shipped them out in individual envelopes and all 4 are arriving at different times.
I don’t get it... is it cheaper to do it this way?
I bought a 40" rod of 2" diameter HDPE  last week.  It arrived on my doorstep today in a 45 x 12 x 6 amazon box with zero insulation inside.
I ordered a 24" aluminum straight edge and a 40# bag of kitty litter - packed in the same box, the straight edge was bent around the bag of litter. They sent me a new one.
pucho812 said:
Head scratcher.
Ordered 4 x dpst switches from amazon. All 4 were in stock.
They shipped them out in individual envelopes and all 4 are arriving at different times.
I don’t get it... is it cheaper to do it this way?
I guess it allows them to charge 4 times shipment. Now if you have Amazon prime it doesn't change a thing.
Now also, some companies have a less than efficient ERP, and it's easier for them than having to install and learn a new ERP, as long as it works...
I ordered twenty 4.7k 1 watt metal film resistors from a major electronics distributor a few days ago. Each resistor was individually packaged in a fairly substantial sealed plastic package. Can you imagine?
pucho812 said:
Head scratcher.
Ordered 4 x dpst switches from amazon. All 4 were in stock.
They shipped them out in individual envelopes and all 4 are arriving at different times.
I don’t get it... is it cheaper to do it this way?

Amazon is not the obvious choice for electronic components but I have purchased some supplies from them for my business*** when they were cheaper than my normal vendors.


***haven't sold a tuner since March  :'(
volker said:
Why shop at Amazon in the first place, why? Let alone for electronic parts.  ::)

I normally would have purchased these locally. they are some nice NTE DPST switches with  a neon bulb. they are for power. nice looking switches I must say and I have used them in DIY builds before. 

Since  local options are closed due to covid. I searched for the part number and amazon came up, so I pulled the trigger and got them.

To further update on this perplexing issue of shipment. yesterday received 2 switches in separate envelopes at separate times of the day, 1 PM and 6 PM. today received the remaining switches in a single envelope at 1 PM.
pucho812 said:
I normally would have purchased these locally. they are some runs NTE DPST switches with  a neon bulb. they are for power. nice looking switches I must say and I have used them in DIY builds before. 

Since  local options are closed due to covid. I searched for the part number and amazon came up, so I pulled the trigger and got them.

To further update on this perplexing issue of shipment. yesterday received 2 switches in separate envelopes at separate times of the day, 1 PM and 6 PM. today received the remaining switches in a single envelope at 1 PM.
It absolutely makes no economic sense to fulfill orders that way, but for now many web merchants are trying to lock in repeat customers with good service to gain sticky market share. Clearly not charging actual shipping cost for three separate shipments.

I have been in direct sales on and off for decades so pay attention. One publicly traded business (Wafair) still has not made a profit ever, losing $2-$3 a share... but increasing sales.

I could sell more tuners if I didn't try to cover my costs.  ::)

JohnRoberts said:
Amazon is not the obvious choice for electronic components but I have purchased some supplies from them for my business*** when they were cheaper than my normal vendors.


***haven't sold a tuner since March  :'(

:'( that is sad...

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