Wokeistan vs Magastan. and Eric Weinstein

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2007
Eric Weinstein about the problems of our leaders born in the 40's. 


Take an hour out of your day and listen to a true uniting voice.  otherwise as Eric says it just
Wokeistan verses Magastan.

Ok so its on Glen Beck but really its all Eric and not much from Glen.



I know not everyone is a fan of Glenn Beck but everyone needs to hear this succinct history lesson of our country and how we have lost our freedoms in the last 40 years

Gee, adult Americans of DIFFERING POVS, actually having a coherent conversation. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

"The idealism of every age is the cover story of it's thefts." -Eric Weinstein 2021

“The problem isn’t that the system is broken. It’s that it is fixed.”

"The kleptocrats are stealing everything that isn't tied down..." how true!

"The gated institutional narrative is to conversation what professional wrestling is to mixed martial arts. It's a simulated conversation."
I tried to watch this guy--I got bored fast. 
He's a "progressive" who goes onto right wing chat shows to criticize the "liberal" media.  Wow!  Do you know how a conservative audience (or chat show host) hears this? 
"Progressive" criticizes right wing media:  "Well, of course he'd say that, he's a pinko commie."
Same "Progressive" ciritcizes "liberal" media:  "Look here!  Even this crazy pinko commie thinks the 'liberal' media goes too far!  That validates everything we've said about them!" 

There's plenty of critics of the "liberal" media on the left--including me.  I don't know what bothers Weinstein, but I know what bothers me about NPR:  their sponsors include the Walton family, the Koch brothers, and Amazon.  Having your programming paid for by billionaires is almost always going to lend itself toward some bias and self-censorship (this is true of a lot of news organs, and has been for ages.)  But I don't think that's the bias that right-wingers like to accuse the "liberal" media of being guilty of. 
Pinko commie?  I don’t get that at all.  He criticized Fox as a propaganda network. 

He scares the left wing to the point of not being able to holdup an argument under his scrutiny.  This reminds me of Chomsky and Buckley back in the 60s.  But back then you heard both views on legacy media. Today there is a market segment that is gone after and other markets are not sought.  Not to mention the longest segment allowed is what maybe 10 mins on a program like say 60 minutes.

I found his history of the last 75 years to be an interesting lesson from an intellectual ready for challenge but unfortunately Glen Beck is not a challenge for him. 

Ok I’m ready to throw in the towel as a baby boomer and accept the fact that 70 and older is to old to deal with the world that’s coming.  Seems like all I can do is want for a world that has not been here since the 70’s.  But the two factions that exist ( woke / maga). Actually have more in common when I listen to Weinstein than the lock them up cancel them, and Then group 200 radicals on the 6th Of Jan storm the capital,  and label 150,000 Radical that were peaceful protesters. 

Our opinions differ on this because of the narratives.

To each their own I guess.
I'll try to make it through the clip at some point (the Glenn Beck part is really intolerable); I obviously didn't get enough of his point from the bit I watched.
If you can't deal with Beck (a not unreasonable stance), you can find a multitude of other avenues to hear Weinstein talk.  He is certainly worth a listen.