I have the following. GBP 80.00 including shipping to Canada.
Custom made, audio quality with mu metal strap and encapsulated.
Primary A: 0—115v (BLUE-GREY) 50/60Hz.
Primary B: 0---115v (VIOLET-BROWN) 50/60Hz.
Screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GRN/YEL
Sec 1: 0—200v (BLACK—RED) @ 40mA rms rated.
Sec 2: 3.15v–0–3.15v (ORG/WHT—YELL–ORG) @ 1.8A rms rated.
Sec 3: 13v–0–13v (GRN/WHT – WHITE--GRN) @ 900mA rms rated.
Total Rating: 43va approx.
I am assuming that you are looking for 9V for heater but 6.3VAC RMS will still give you regulated 6.3VDC.