I took a trip down to my local civic amienity site yesterday just to drop off a few empty bottles and some electronic odds and ends , When I looked in the metal basket with the electronic waste there were two Dyson handheld vaccum cleaners , one in almost new condition the other a bit more used . They still even had power in the battery , but little or no suction. These things retail at around 500 euros a piece , so I decided to take them home for a closer look . I gave a good cleaning out to the filters and internal chambers with compressed air , put a charge on the batteries and low and behold Im now the proud owner of two fine fully functional cordless vaccum cleaners with all the attachments . This new lamps for old craic is landing the human race up **** creek without a paddle , WTF is wrong with people nowadays , dumping perfectly good stuff without even at least having someone take a look first , internet/marketing and the need to have the latest and greatest new thing has made us more wasteful than ever before and its worse its getting ,not better . Thanks to Thundberg a bunch of petulant pukes are now on a mission to save the planet by letting air out of the tires of SUV's and jeeps