Doing it again ;D Yet Another Limiter Amp !
So I just acquired some nice and affordable local iron way down here in lower Tas, Aust ... old broadcast stuff .. you know the thing 8)
A bunch of good sized interstage traffos, for a conventional vari-gm cell and a pair of big-ass pp output traffos (25W conservatively rated .. done pro hifi early 60s Australian tech). Well shielded fore and aft and good to go.
Going to make a stereo pair of tube limiters in a 3RU long form rack, with an outboard psu 2RU long format rack.
BUT the twist is this - the output section will be a 20Wrms power amp driving some speakers 8ohms.
Basically a pair of 175 type limiters, with interstage bonafides, but a (mildly) big ass output amp. 8)
What could go wrong?
The PSU will be a combo of basic tube amp power supply bizness, but with a HV regulator module for screens and such .. plus another module for negative and utility rails.
Heater will be dc (unreg) for the sensitive stuff .. for sure .. possibly also for the power finals ...
This psu unit will use 2 cables to connect with the limiter-amp signal unit .. 7 pin large style ebay aircraft cheapies, done with heavy duty 'vehicle trailer' cable (also cheap!) It works out pretty well, and 2 of these gives some room to move, psu cabling wise.
The intention is to have the psu on the lowest part of a rack ... some distance ... the b i g m a n limiter-amp above.
Best to get the big psu traffos way the way away if possible. This one uses a mighty Edcor - a masterful 400mA of 750Vct with 7A of 6V heater, a seperate bias coil of 100Vac and another for 12V utility with 1.5A
A serious psu hv unit for a serious build! No contest.
But wait .. there's more ... a nice german toroid ... for the gain reduction cell ... 250Vac winding at 0.2A of HV, a generous 9V at 5A for dc heaters and a winding with 15-0-15 at 1A per rail for utility
The PSU is a big part of any proceedings .. and this one, is kind of old style modular, in that it powers a couple of signal units..
Combining both the limiter and the power amp, in one 3ru, effectively eliminates one psu section .. which is great for simplification and isolation. 'Lots of power, further away'.
*it's basically a lathe-amp!* (footnote to emrr and his knowledge of presto tech)
I'll be driving a variety of speakers .... typical listening levels for me are around 5W rms and 10W peak in a room 8mx5m or so. But I do like a lot of reserve for extended bass ... so 20W max power is about right.
So in the end, a stereo tube mega channel
limiter -> eq -> power amp -> full range speakers
The diy tube equivalent of 'mind, body, soul' 8)
The challenge of course, is noise and hum and schmutz of all kind. I'm confident I can beat my personal best in this area.
I'm using some interesting remote pentodes, 2 per phase loaded in a quite high Z interstage primary.
I'm going to try pentode mode first ... I did this previously in an 'rca style' limiter which came out just beautifully, but it took some doing . THIS time, I have a 'proper' interstage hiZ to load it with ...
I haven't decided on the finals ... I have a bunch of nos ge 7591a (19w plate) which would be great for this. Easy to drive with my standard 6SN7 .. or even a 6SL7 would do it great. What a combo !
Some possible additional twists are to use some affordable sweep tubes for finals ... or even some 'direct-heated-triode' types
The intention is to get really classic, classy and loud .. in one unit
But quiiet too! (and cheap) ;D
So .. just in the noodling/acquisition stage now .. it's winter here and time to proof last seasons' builds. I'll post some pics of the thing as I get some more parts. (I won't jinx it with names yet!)
So I just acquired some nice and affordable local iron way down here in lower Tas, Aust ... old broadcast stuff .. you know the thing 8)
A bunch of good sized interstage traffos, for a conventional vari-gm cell and a pair of big-ass pp output traffos (25W conservatively rated .. done pro hifi early 60s Australian tech). Well shielded fore and aft and good to go.
Going to make a stereo pair of tube limiters in a 3RU long form rack, with an outboard psu 2RU long format rack.
BUT the twist is this - the output section will be a 20Wrms power amp driving some speakers 8ohms.
Basically a pair of 175 type limiters, with interstage bonafides, but a (mildly) big ass output amp. 8)
What could go wrong?
The PSU will be a combo of basic tube amp power supply bizness, but with a HV regulator module for screens and such .. plus another module for negative and utility rails.
Heater will be dc (unreg) for the sensitive stuff .. for sure .. possibly also for the power finals ...
This psu unit will use 2 cables to connect with the limiter-amp signal unit .. 7 pin large style ebay aircraft cheapies, done with heavy duty 'vehicle trailer' cable (also cheap!) It works out pretty well, and 2 of these gives some room to move, psu cabling wise.
The intention is to have the psu on the lowest part of a rack ... some distance ... the b i g m a n limiter-amp above.
Best to get the big psu traffos way the way away if possible. This one uses a mighty Edcor - a masterful 400mA of 750Vct with 7A of 6V heater, a seperate bias coil of 100Vac and another for 12V utility with 1.5A
A serious psu hv unit for a serious build! No contest.
But wait .. there's more ... a nice german toroid ... for the gain reduction cell ... 250Vac winding at 0.2A of HV, a generous 9V at 5A for dc heaters and a winding with 15-0-15 at 1A per rail for utility
The PSU is a big part of any proceedings .. and this one, is kind of old style modular, in that it powers a couple of signal units..
Combining both the limiter and the power amp, in one 3ru, effectively eliminates one psu section .. which is great for simplification and isolation. 'Lots of power, further away'.
*it's basically a lathe-amp!* (footnote to emrr and his knowledge of presto tech)
I'll be driving a variety of speakers .... typical listening levels for me are around 5W rms and 10W peak in a room 8mx5m or so. But I do like a lot of reserve for extended bass ... so 20W max power is about right.
So in the end, a stereo tube mega channel
The diy tube equivalent of 'mind, body, soul' 8)
The challenge of course, is noise and hum and schmutz of all kind. I'm confident I can beat my personal best in this area.
I'm using some interesting remote pentodes, 2 per phase loaded in a quite high Z interstage primary.
I'm going to try pentode mode first ... I did this previously in an 'rca style' limiter which came out just beautifully, but it took some doing . THIS time, I have a 'proper' interstage hiZ to load it with ...
I haven't decided on the finals ... I have a bunch of nos ge 7591a (19w plate) which would be great for this. Easy to drive with my standard 6SN7 .. or even a 6SL7 would do it great. What a combo !
Some possible additional twists are to use some affordable sweep tubes for finals ... or even some 'direct-heated-triode' types
The intention is to get really classic, classy and loud .. in one unit
So .. just in the noodling/acquisition stage now .. it's winter here and time to proof last seasons' builds. I'll post some pics of the thing as I get some more parts. (I won't jinx it with names yet!)