OK I keep quiet as long as I can. Now I can´t anymore.
Come on guys. I know that Analag seems to be a little arrogant at first when he came here but all he has been doing here is sharing his own circuits. In fact I can list what he shared already:
A tube opamp
A hybrid tube stage
Another hybrid tube stage
A hybrid mic preamp
Another hybrid micpreamp
A transformerless Tube mic pre for hot mics
A varyMu compressor
A optical Tube compressor
You may find those circuits are not genious as he think it is, but I don´t see the big problem with all this.
So, as you see, I don´t mean to be a sucker, but this guy has been here for a month, and it seems that he is really sharing all he can. No offense of any type meant to TK or solder_city, that are great menbers here, but please, lets try to give this guy named Analag a break. He is bringing nice ideas, and most important, nice discussion. You don´t have to build his circuits. But still, has anyone tried to build his circuits exactly like his drawings and with the big caps and PSUs he mention to find out it´s not that great or Genious anyway :?: :?: :?: Maybe time will make him feel how people in this place behave, but if this is just like the way he is, for me it´s ok also. people are diferent. I mean, he is not being unpolite to anyone nor he is saying he is better han anyone just because he thinks he is a genious and his circuits are great. That´s only his impressions of his own work. So, leave it :roll: Best for everyone.
Think about it all one more time. This is not the way we are used to welcome new menbers also... Specially those that comes with good stuff.
In the end, I must say again,
Welcome Analag :thumb: