47-styled microphone build thread

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2010
LA + Brooklyn
I received some help on this forum awhile back designing a power supply for a mic.  My original intent was to use an EF12 tube, but after receiving some counsel from smart folks, I decided to abandon that route and go instead for an EF800 tube.  Some told me that the EF12 would work best with a plate voltage and plate loading that was higher than what was found in the U47.  Whether this was true or just one person's opinion, I decided to go the easy route and use an EF800 instead.

Well the power supply has been completed, and the mic build is in progress.  In case anyone is interested, I'm going to post some photos of my progress.

Just to bring us up to speed on the PSU (which was chronicled to an extent on the long-buried and bloated original help thread), here's how my power supply and multi-pin cable with Binder connectors came out:


The PSU scopes nice and quiet, so I'm optimistic.  Voltages are adjustable.  Dual-choke design on the B+ side should make it nice and quiet.

I ordered the TAB-Funkenwerk U47 kit mainly because I really wanted to use the AMI/TAB transformer.  It has a high reputation for being very good.  That kit isn't a 'true' U47 kit... there are some things about it that are modern touches, namely a plastic capsule deck and no real provision for on-board pattern selection (I think the assumption is that you will do remote pattern selection at the PSU).  I wanted to go closer to simple/original, so I bought parts from Telefunken-Elektroacustic, hoping to make them fit.



Well, that didn't work out so well.  While both companies maintained that their parts were 'vintage correct,' they did not fit together.  The capsule deck on the headbasket was a minor screw/hole alignment issue that was relatively easily remedied, however the top plate on the mic body itself was a bigger issue-- the alignment pin from the capsule deck was interfering with the top, flat portion of the AMI body's side rails.  Fortunately, AMI offered to help me, so I sent everything to them--truly excellent service-after-sale.  When I received the parts back, they had shortened the top portion of their siderails and finessed the screw holes on the T-Funk parts.  I will offer no comment on whether either or both companies' parts are truly vintage-correct, because I can't say.  But with AMI's help, I did get them to work together.  So I'm a relatively happy customer now.

My other quibble with the AMI stuff is that the printed circuit boards provided with the kit didn't really have a look and feel I personally preferred.  They seemed a bit like board that were (or could be) home-etched, and a board layout was not provided with them-- so I decided I would make my own eyelet boards with parts from turretboards.com.  If this doesn't work out as well as I hope, I will look to other vendors to find a cleaner, more original solution.  I had one go 'round already, and while they came out OK, I'd like to try one more time for a cleaner visual look (better alignment on the eyelets).  So I ordered more parts that should be here later in the week.

With that on ice, I decided to get to work on the crucial high-impedance portion of the mic circuitry-- the part between the capsule and the tube.


For parts here, the .01 capacitor attached to the backplate is a NOS polystyrene cap selected to be exactly .01µf.  For the grid resistor and capsule polarization resistor, the original schematic listed either 60M and 100M, or 100M for both.  Oliver Archut's "alt tube" EF800 schematic lists 1G for both-- he stated at least once on Klaus's forum that increasing both all the way up to 1G improves performance.  I've seen other opinions to the contrary, naturally (everyone seems to have their own opinion).  I decided to 'split the difference' with a couple of NOS TRW hi-meg 200M resistors.  This is at least double the original spec, so it should work great. I bought a lot of 10 and wanted to select the highest-resistance ones, but I don't have a megohmmeter.  What I did was to parallel them with a 2M resistor, and measure the parallel pair.  A couple of them seemed to make the resistance read slightly higher, so I figured these were the highest ones.  I chose those.

I also purchased some solid-core 24AWG pure silver teflon-insulated wire.  I just bought a couple of feet, so it wasn't that expensive.  I used/will use this for all signal-carrying wires in the mic (mainly just because I have/will have enough left over), but I bought it because I wanted to use that in this critical section.  Maybe it matters, maybe it doesn't... but it was only a few bucks and I'm only building one.  Why not go 'first class.'

I also have some teflon sleeving that I slipped over component leads.


Then I added lengths of wire to the top plate for capsule polarization and master ground. I also added a strategically-positioned 29 ohm resistor which is a part of the filament/bias circuit. This is kind of like building a ship in a bottle, so everything had to be mocked up, carefully trimmed, etc. There's even a tiny piece of teflon sleeving on the short lead of that 29 ohm resistor. Besides the hi-meg resistors, all other resistors in this mic will be NOS Allen-Bradley carbon comps.  I just like these resistors, and I have a good source for them, so I figured why not use my favorite resistor (others will prefer other types).  I bought several of each value and selected ones that were very close in tolerance-- typically I was able to get within 1% and 2% of the stated value.

For the ground wire, I used lacquered cloth-insulated wire typical of the period-- no functional reason, just looks. For capsule polarization, I used some cool lacquered cotton-over-PVC insulated wire that was harvested long ago from a junked old Philco tuner/radio from the 1950s. Again, no reason other than looks. For the higher-current heater wires, I used modern PVC-insuated wire. Now we're ready to try and put this top plate on the mic, and make the last 2 finicky solder connections in this area.


A 100 ohm resistor for the filament/bias supply had to find a home.  It fit on the tube socket itself after trimming a bit of metal from the center of the ceramic tube socket (it was on the socket, I'd guess, for a ground connection that isn't used for the EF800).  Here you'll see also the 22 ga PVC-insulated stranded copper wire used for the higher-current (~275mA) filament circuit.


That's done! Now time to slip some TechFlex™ expandable nylon braiding over all the wires to make it look neat. I used yellow because that's consistent with what I've seen in old Neumanns. I also used some yellow heat-shrink tubing to make it all secure. First on the top...


...then on the bottom.


...then apply heat to shrink the heat-shrink, and stuff everything through the transformer plate. In order to get this big mess of wires through the transformer plate, I had to enlarge the hole slightly with some needle files.

I was going to put the tube in last, as that seems common sense.  But since I didn't have my eyelet board making materials yet, and since building 'top down' kind of makes sense anyway (and because I could always remove it later if I had to), I decided to install the EF800 tube.  Here I have two NOS Telefunken tubes from which to select the quietest/best one.  I also have a donut-shaped foam tube damper purchased from eBay.  I hadn't seen this style before, but it reminded me of the kind they put on the VF14 in the old Neumanns, and it was a perfect diameter, so I grabbed it.




It's certainly doing something.  The fit is very snug, and rapping the tube's envelope with a fingernail now gives a dull 'clunk' as opposed to a 'ping.'  A test-fit reveals two issues. First is that my sleeved bundle of wires won't clear the foam donut. This is easily remedied with a few well-placed strokes of a round file.


The second issue is that the contacts in the tube socket were so tight that I couldn't insert the tube. This is the opposite problem one usually runs into with tube gear-- usually the sockets become 'sprung' over time and require re-tensioning. In this case, I had to de-tension them slightly. I used a sharp pick to ream them out just a little so that the tube could be massaged in.  (sorry for the bad photo)


pretty nice fit now.



After soldering the components to the top plate and before mating to the mic body and tube socket, I cleaned all flux residue from the acrylic decking (and thoroughly cleaned the resistor and capacitor bodies themselves).  After everything was all together, I took another opportunity to clean any fingerprints, etc. from this area of the mic.


My eyelet board materials should be here soon, and I'll be able to get down to the business of putting together the lower portion of the mic.  I had originally purchased vintage Sprague Vitamin Q oil-filled capacitors to use, but these proved to be far too large to fit in the microphone.  I increased the coupling cap size to 1µf (from .47) as per Oliver's schematic and the advice of others (to make the response go closer to 20 Hz, instead of rolling off around 40).  I ended up going with Audience Auricaps, since they would physically fit and have a decent reputation for tube circuits (without being overly large and/or expensive).  I realize the coupling cap is far more critical for audio, but I admit to liking the visual symmetry of having two identical caps under the transformer.  Means nothing to anyone but me, and I'm OK with that.

I have ordered a Thiersch STW-7 Blue Line PVC M7-style capsule.  It will be about a month before that arrives, and by then I should be ready to complete my microphone and see if it sounds as good as I hope it will.
Time to make some eyelet boards.  First step is to measure, mark, and cut down pieces of board to the right size.  If I had a scroll saw or something this would be easy, but I did it by hand.


Then I made some measurements and marks relative to the mounting bracket, which will (to a degree) dictate where my eyelets will go.  They'll have to be spaced a bit closer together than I'd like-- about the distance of a resistor.  Close, but it will be fine.


After making marks with a center punch, I drill the eyelet holes, and the mounting screw holes.


Eyelets fit exactly.


Now tape over the eyelets...


And flip the board over


Using an eyelet staking tool...


...and a hammer...


We set the eyelets into the board.  Finished... not terrible for a rookie, but my perfectionist side wishes it was a bit more perfect.  Perfectly functional though, and looks fine.


A set of boards and some backing boards to ensure that the metal mounting bracket doesn't cause shorts.


The simpler board will have a diagonal ground wire running on the back side.  For clearance, I file a notch in that board's mounting bracket.


Worked great


another view


Decided to disassemble the mic body and take the tube out after all for ease of assembly.  The transformer, its mounting plate, and the eyelet boards all mount together using four screws.  After populating the boards, I assembled the whole lot



Added the 1µf caps.




The tube is back in, and it's time to think about putting that bottom bell back on.


I decided to remove the binder connector from the bottom bell.  This made it easier to attach the bottom bell while getting the ground lug secured via the fastening nut that grounds the mic's body for shielding.


Sticking the wires out the bottom bell, I can trim them to the appropriate length.




Went together pretty well.


Almost ready for showtime.  

Turned it on and checked some voltages.  Tweaked the adjustable power supply to give me 5.05 V on the filament and 105V for the plate and capsule polarization.  Voltages trimmed up rather easily.  This picture shows the tube filament glowing.  My capsule polarization is 61.5V (U47 spec is 63V, so this is right in the zone), my bias is 1.167 (spec is 1.1V), and my plate voltage is 40.7V (spec is 34).  I think this will be fine, but if I wish to tweak it down a bit, I just have to adjust one resistor value. Any cause for concern with a plate voltage about ~20% higher than spec?


My curiosity got the best of me and I couldn't wait 4 weeks to at least get a vague idea if this thing would pass signal, so I set up Dr. Frankenstein's Microphone Lab.  The yellow test leads connect the capsule and backplate circuitry to a K67-style capsule from another microphone I built awhile back.  It passed signal!  As expected, there was a lot of noise/hum with this setup...nothing is shielded with the guts all exposed like this. But it did pass signal! I'm optimistic/hopeful that once I get a proper capsule and everything all closed up/shielded that I'll have a nice-sounding quiet mic.  


...more to come in about 4 weeks.
It occurred to me that I don't need a capsule to check noise of the PSU and head amplifier.

Hooked it all up to a Seventh Circle Audio J99 (hardy dual servo-inspired design) because it has the most gain of any preamp I have (I believe 72dB).  The first tube had very little microphony... very acceptable in that department... but cranking the gain revealed static/white noise/periodic discharges and pops.  Unacceptable.  I left the tube burning in for about an hour, but the noise was unabated.  Perhaps I should've left it burning in overnight and re-evaluated?

So then I tried the second tube-- MUCH better in the white noise/static department (it exhibited none, even with the J99 pegged)... however it was much worse in the microphony department.  This tube is microphonic enough to make handling noise very audible at higher settings of the J99.

Leaving the second (microphonic, but quiet) tube in the mic, I decided to see what noise was like.  I recorded noise samples in Pro Tools through a Lynx Aurora converter, and then played back the noise samples while examining the Bomb Factory noise meter plugin.  The J99 wide open with NO microphone connected (just the preamp's self-noise) registered about -75dB A-weighted.  With my microphone's head amplifier connected (microphonic tube and all) and the J99 wide open, it registered about -65dB A-weighted.  This seems very acceptable to me.  Does anyone know if this seems about right?  I can't imagine a situation in practice where that level of noise would be an issue.  

In any case, now the search is on for a quiet, non-microphonic tube.

OK, tube "a" is back in, and 48 hours begins now.  Hopefully I don't have to do this too many more times.  The mic has to be partially disassembled to get the tube in/out, because it's a pretty tight fit in there.  I'll order two more EF800 just in case.  Won't hurt to have spares even if this one turns out OK.  Tube "b" is back in a box now marked "microphonic."  I don't think tube microphony goes away during burn-in, but I'd love to be corrected if I'm wrong.
If they are NOS tubes and not used, I recommend 72 hour burn in... But I'm no expert.  I just heard that from people I consider more experten then I.
I've got at least eight commercial tube mic's in service at our facility which have been powered on for at least three years if not longer. 24/7. Very minimal issues.

Keeping them on does not appear to harm them and the tube does need an initial burn-in-period to stabilize. I would just set it up, leave it on for a couple weeks and keep checking it out every day. Maybe record the same snippet of audio each day (spoken word, singing, strummed/picked guitar, percussion/drum-hits), listen critically, compare, take some notes, and see what happens.

You could also probably make up a jig to heat a couple tubes, provide B+, and an audio signal into a similar load to burn in a couple at once... Then swap out and test in the mic to better compare apples and choose the best one...


Thanks.  Yeah, I've got no concern about letting it run a long time.  The reason I did the swap after an hour was that I had another tube sitting around that I wanted to see if it was any better.

I do have a couple more NOS Telefunken EF800 on order.  Should this tube stabilize, I'll have a couple of extras (or maybe I can roll a few in/out to find the quietest or best-sounding one).  I think because of one Wunder mic the EF800 are starting to creep up in price, so it doesn't hurt to have a few, I guess, in case I either have a failure or decide to build a partner for this one in the future.

One more question-- should the burn-in be under conditions in which the tube will be used in the mic (i.e. slightly underheated), or under more typical conditions (not underheated)?  Which is better, or does it make a difference?
Holy beans! Nice build man. Very very nice. Looks like you are going to have a sweet mic when it's all done.  ;D

I say just burn it in under the conditions of use. I don't think it makes too big of a diff whether it's slightly under heated. Just may take a bit longer to burn in.
You're trying to fully reactivate the getter, so I would crank the heater to 20% over nominal. (But still within spec) get that cathode nice n hot. I'm going through the same process in my mic but with a JAN 6sj7. I've only got 4 of them but it looks like I've found one that will end up being quiet.
OK, I cranked up the heat to 6.5V.  This is on the high side of the 6.3V spec.

We'll see if this helps.   :)  Something is certainly happening.  The tube got much noisier when I turned up the heater voltage.
A watched pot never boils. :) I've heard people here say that they bake Nos glass tubes in the oven to speed up the break in. Haven't tried it myself. I would think the cathode would need to get much hotter than that. I also have a test rig I made so I have another tube baking at the same time.
I can tell with my own experience with this tube, that it tends to be a little noisy and/or microphonic, less so than an ef80 but more than a good ef12k. OK, i have tested just two of those ef800s, but each of my ef12s was better in those regards.
Well I've got a couple more on the way, so maybe out of those four one will be good.  This one has been running for almost 24 hours and there's been a small amount of change for the better.  Noise has reduced by about 5dB.  Promising, but not yet enough.  I'll leave it cooking for a couple more days.
Well, 72 hours later, the tube hasn't quieted down substantially.  It lost one more dB of noise and then leveled off from there.  I think this tube is unsuitable for microphone use.

The good news is that I have two new candidates on the way.  Hopefully one of those will work.
My two new tubes came in the mail today, very nice minty examples in perfect original Telefunken boxes.

Both were quite acceptable.  One had slightly less microphony than the other, so I chose that one.  With the gain on my SCA J99 all the way up and no capsule connected, I can 'thunk' the mic body with my fingernail as hard as possible without clipping the converter.  It will register a slight microphonic ping in my DAW, but I assume at this level of gain, something like that is inevitable.  It certainly isn't too loud or objectionable even at this level of gain.

As for the noise-- I'm not sure how to measure this meaningfully, but here's what I did.

My J99 with the gain full up (and nothing connected) registers -74dB A-weighted on my BF Essential noise meter plugin. With the mic head amp connected (no capsule, but the headbasket is in place for shielding completion), the noise meter reads -59dB A-weighted.  This is a 15dB difference.

I did the same with the head amp (sans capsule) of an Oktava mic (with a dummy head in place to complete the mic body's shielding), and registered a figure that was about the same... perhaps half a dB better for the Oktava head amp.  I don't know if any of these measurements mean anything at all.

With the tube mic's head amp, I do hear the barest trace of 120 Hz.  I don't know if this is normal for this older tube topology, or if it's a flaw in my PSU design or implementation.