Discrete Dip 8 Opamp

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Okay they will be shipped out to me on the 16th of this month, I was able to order a bunch tall and a bunch short.

It might be a week or so over the time that I think I told you guys they would be here, so all you that ordered I'll have some bonus gifts for you :)

Excited to upgrade some equipment!


Abe, since you were able to order the short ones, should I just go ahead and order on your page?  Also, in regards to price break, do you mind
if I mix and match short and tall

Yes, thats fine just let me know what kinds you want when you order them, there is a place for notes before you confirm.

Exellent, thanks! 

Also, forgot to ask... what pins are you using for these?

The pins you can get just as bulk headers, standard spacing. I know they sell them on the bay...pretty cheap too!

Would something like this work:


The top left one (a)
So I received them today and did a quick test of one and so far so good! Cant wait to rechip my console. For all of you that already pre ordered yours are going out tomorrow and, you can still order at my site if you want some.

Im working on a little build manual and will have some kits together hopefully by next week.






The trickiest part was soldering some of the connections in between the 2 boards when mounting them to the base. But eventually figured it out.

Just stuck one in my consoles mix buss, and the sound very great!. Had to increase feedback capacitors by a small amount. And really I'm just stoked they work, haven't done any mixing through them yet. And probably won't till I rechip the mix-busses and master-busses. for my channels the "Tall" work great. I imagine for other stuff the wide will be needed.

Also my DMM that measure HFE broke a while ago, So I didn't match the input transistors. What does that effect? output offest?

Freakin awesome... how long 'till the wides'll be coming in?

I'm pretty sure that input matching affects cmrr... although someone with more knowledge should chime in.

also, what are you using for feedback caps?
the wides are on the photo, on the right...he was able to order them together. Okay, I may have to buy a couple, but first I'll need to get some other projects off the bench...well done, Abe!
Wides are In :) (gemini beat me to it! :))
I have a package coming your way tomorrow.

I added 47pf to the underside of the opamp (there is plenty of room with the pins I'm using) to make it stable in a sum amp configuration. And It looks like I took all the original feedback capacitors out of of the sum chips in my console when I install the opa227s I was using cause they are internally compensated and did fine.

So 47pf.

Soundwise, its definitely too late to tell, but doing some quick A/Bs definitely an improvement, sounds less "tubby" Anyway we all know these circuits sound great.


Doh, I missed that, thanks Gemini

;D ;D ;D Looks like I'll be makin some opamps soon

Cool, I've got a load of 47's around, I'll have to play... thanks Abe!
IIRC the stacked PCBs like that are called "cordwood" construction, while they put the parts between the two layers.

I recall seeing that done back in the '60s, for circuitry that needed to be really miniaturized. 

It might be a good idea to throw some documentation inside any unit using these, to help future owners troubleshoot/repair their units.  Also be careful that products using lots of these have enough power supply to support the DOAs that generally draw more current than ICs.


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