Donald trump. what is your take on him?

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2004
third stone from the sun
Wondering what people's take on Donald is.  I find him a bit of refreshing in that he stands by what he says right or wrong, is very brash and ultimately very non politician behaving. I am wondering  if he would get the nomination? While the media down plays him, I think they fail to realize that the reason people seem to like him are for all the reasons they try to down play him for.  He is leading in the polls so it makes me wonder.

He's not a politician,  telling you one thing and doing another. 
He speaks the truth, things that everyone thinks but are  afraid to say,
afraid of not being  politically correct.
Everytime someone  makes sense,  the media ridicules them and the sheep follow.
He's a business man. The federal government is a corporation and needs to be run like a business.
We give aid to every country except 6 while our infrastructure is falling apart and were going broke.
Let take our country back and run it like it should be.
I frequent a lot of political news/opinion sites, and I find it fascinating/disturbing just how much coverage is being posted about him. In one instance earlier today, the last 9 out of 10 articles a website had posted were about Trump. Ridiculous.

He's giving the mainstream media and their blatant liberal bias a run for their money; every tactic in their smearing bag of tricks relies on the target having something to lose and giving a damn about what other people think of them. Trump is extrememly wealthy, well diversified, has no shame, has always loved being controversial, and the media is giving him exactly what he wants. I love it.
I think his candidacy speaks as much about American politics as did the McCain/Palin couple.

Absolutely pathetic.
For the record the election is still over a year away, while we already have over a dozen republican candidates announced with more waiting in the wings to form that circular firing squad known as the republican primary.  ;D

Trump is absolutely not a politician and some find that attractive, while the job he is presumably running for requires political skills. At the risk of saying something nice about President Obama, he is a politician.

I don't expect Trump to win, and didn't expect him to even last this long, but media and the late night comedians love him, for the rich comedic fodder he generates every time he opens his mouth.

Winetree said:
He's a business man.

The kind of business man that can't make money operating a casino. He has so many skeletons in his closet it's hilarious . As soon as someone wants to destroy him he will be destroyed.
He started with a silver spoon in his mouth. Inherited $100 Million or something? Considering what he inherited, he's had a pretty easy ride as a
business man

With his disparaging remarks recently about prisoner's of war recently,  and looking back to other attacks of Veterans by the Republican political establishment, it is starting to look like an alarmingly unpatriotic party.
dmp said:
He started with a silver spoon in his mouth. Inherited $100 Million or something? Considering what he inherited, he's had a pretty easy ride as a
business man

With his disparaging remarks recently about prisoner's of war recently,  and looking back to other attacks of Veterans by the Republican political establishment, it is starting to look like an alarmingly unpatriotic party.
Huh? I'm not going to take that bait... (how long did it take the WH to lower the flags to half staff to respect the assassinated marines in SC? )

Trump is pretty much embarrassing everybody. As a something like 3rd generation immigrant, Trump seems unusually harsh about immigration, but in this age of sound bites defining candidates, he is supplying way too many inflammatory sound bites. His complete statements are only slightly less offensive.  You can get away with hyperbolic statements in a conversation, that turn ugly when packaged as sound bites.

This is just more evidence that he is not the right guy for the job.


PS: A real estate developer is the business world equivalent to a community organizer, crossed with a carnival hawker.
If you shaved his head, and he acted and spoke as he normally does, but in Italian, it would be the best Mussolini impersonation ever.
Politicians and statesmen alike are aware that the true art of their jobs is to not say the first thing that comes to your mind, and to always be tactful.
This man is not capable of that.
mattiasNYC said:
Absolutely pathetic.

Yes, almost as pathetic as being told I could keep my $177 doctor/plan I liked that went to $435, and being told "I didn't build" my trucking company, software company and recording studio.
If I had not fought in a war, for what ever reason, I would not lay into a guy that had.

That's just out of self-interest, the shamelessness of it is another matter.

Getting to be President is more than just chasing off rivals for the nomination.

I think a President will need the votes of Latinos and veterans in order to win.

Look at the clowns that were "frontrunners" in recent elections. Anyone remember Herman Cain? Trump's star won't shine for long, but he can inflict some damage on the Republican brand why it lasts.

The only thing I would like to know is if he sniffs white powder before these appearances or if he can possibly be genuinly this narcissisticly deluded without the aid of chemicals.

PS: A real estate developer is the business world equivalent to a community organizer, crossed with a carnival hawker.

Had to laugh out loud.  ;D
what's funny is every time he opens his mouth and gets people talking there seems to come out something to support his statements.  His recent attack on macain for example, It has come out after his statements  that mcain was charged with treason and pardoned by Nixon.  I wouldn't say treason makes a war hero but there are plenty of things he went through that do.  I don't agree with Trump, on many levels and it has been a good circus for sure.  But I do like that he opens his mouth and stands by it right or usually wrong.  It reminds me of Sam rothstein in casino when the casino  wouldn't get their gaming license.  As joe pesci's character in the movie described him "bat shit crazy"
It has come out after his statements  that mcain was charged with treason and pardoned by Nixon.

The only fact I can find is he "signed" a false confession while imprisoned and tortured.

I've been reading an article about the changing demographic in the states.

George Bush won 26% of the non-white vote in 2004, McCain won 19% in 2008 and  Romney won 17% in 2012.

Washington Post article.
"Based on estimates of the composition of the 2016 electorate, if the next GOP nominee wins the same share of the white vote as Mitt Romney won in 2012 (59%), he or she would need to win 30% of the non-white vote."

Republican pollster Whit Ayres who recently published a book - 2016 and Beyond - has laid out the demographic problem in very stark terms for Republicans; for instance a Republican candidate would need to win 40% of the Hispanic vote to get to the White House.

Somehow I can't see Trump getting any Hispanic votes after his recent comments.
