[FEELER] C12 Clone Project

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Please indicate which project configuration would most interest you.

  • pcb's only

    Votes: 28 14.1%
  • pcb's and donor microphone

    Votes: 22 11.1%
  • partial kit (pcb, electronic components, transformer)

    Votes: 37 18.6%
  • partial kit with donor microphone

    Votes: 29 14.6%
  • complete turn-key package

    Votes: 83 41.7%

  • Total voters
You guys don't mess around! Nice job Matador, looking good. Looks like this project will be available sooner than later?
Hey Matador,

I'm probably missing something here, but Tim mentioned max polarization voltage for his capsule should be 60V, and as I recall, B+ should be ~120v?  Otherwise, capsule can get damaged and he insists on maintaining that spec or under for warranty.

Is there another way the original c12 circuit drops B+?  Or is the 120v B+ spec mostly in regards to modding the ccda stock psu and mic circuit?
chunger said:
Hey Matador,

I'm probably missing something here, but Tim mentioned max polarization voltage for his capsule should be 60V, and as I recall, B+ should be ~120v?  Otherwise, capsule can get damaged and he insists on maintaining that spec or under for warranty.

Is there another way the original c12 circuit drops B+?  Or is the 120v B+ spec mostly in regards to modding the stock ccda stock mic circuit?

No you didn't miss anything:  the original circuit was a half-wave rectifier, and the resistors were sized to drop about 80V to give a 120V B+.  I changed this design to a full-wave bridge rectifier, so I need to adjust the RC filter resistors to drop the voltage back down to 120V again.  I just put in temporary values so I could make sure the circuit was sound and operating correctly.

Based on the 6072A data sheet, a "typical" quiescent point should be idling the tube at about 0.5mA, with about -1.5V on the grid (given a 100K plate resistor and 120V B+).  280V down to 120V is dropping 160V, which means about 300K worth of dropping resistors are needed.

I have a ton of test resistors and this can easily be tuned.  I may go ahead and add a layout option for a trimmer so this can be adjusted based on each tube.
Matador said:
I may go ahead and add a layout option for a trimmer so this can be adjusted based on each tube.

...great idea!...somebody should offer a pre-assembled complete PSU build of this quality for those of us who are solder-challenged (HINT, HINT!)... ;)
kidvybes said:
...great idea!...somebody should offer a pre-assembled complete PSU build of this quality for those of us who are solder-challenged (HINT, HINT!)... ;)

It's called an AKG or Flee or Wonder or a Telefunken...

You are familiar with the name of this place right? 

Biasrocks said:
kidvybes said:
...great idea!...somebody should offer a pre-assembled complete PSU build of this quality for those of us who are solder-challenged (HINT, HINT!)... ;)

It's called an AKG or Flee or Wonder or a Telefunken...

You are familiar with the name of this place right? 


...yes I am, but one can still hope...

...I'd rather pay a DIY member for their good work, than over-pay the "boutique branded" product, especially one or two you mentioned...

...while my soldering skills are limited, don't underestimate my experience using these products...much of the gear I own was built by previously "do-it-yourself" types, who now garner serious respect for branded products with their own name on it...and some acquired by similar inquiries...

...just an innocent "feeler" inquiry, while I lurk and soak up some knowledge...no harm or disrespect intended ;)

BTW...if I'm not mistaken, the poll at the top of the page reflects the majority of interest is in "turn-key" product...just sayin'...

You are familiar with the name of this place right? 

kidvybes knows more about tube microphones and their guts than one might think.
Plus he's honest enough to admit soldering is not his strongest point.
Oh, and he's a nice guy to boot.
Passionate, too.
He's an enrichment to the GroupDIY forum.
Trust me on this one.  :)
kidvybes said:
...I'd rather pay a DIY member for their good work, than over-pay the "boutique branded" product, especially one or two you mentioned...

...while my soldering skills are limited, don't underestimate my experience using these products...much of the gear I own was built by previously "do-it-yourself" types, who now garner serious respect for branded products with their own name on it...and some acquired by similar inquiries...

Overpay???? For someone elses hard work, R&D, marketing and assorted overhead to keep their products in front of an available to people???

Please, don't even start.

We were all newbies at one time or another. This looks to be a fairly straight forward project, perhaps you could take the opportunity to learn a new skill. It's not that difficult or expensive and contributes greatly to the spirit of this place. You could always ask for help or enlist the help of someone local to you.

BTW...if I'm not mistaken, the poll at the top of the page reflects the majority of interest is in "turn-key" product...just sayin'...

Sadly that's the way things are headed and I'm sure at some point there will be exactly what you are asking for, it seems that's the way it goes.

My understanding of a 'complete turnkey package' is that all the parts are supplied, you still need to assemble and test it.

Biasrocks said:
Overpay???? For someone elses hard work, R&D, marketing and assorted overhead to keep their products in front of an available to people???

Please, don't even start.

...I made an innocent inquiry...I'm not interested in having this debate (I've had it many times, somewhat successfully, on another fairly popular gear thread site)...let's just agree to disagree...

...I'm not a newbie, sonny (far from it)...I just recognize that my patience and soldering skills aren't what they used to be...in the meantime, I'd love to have me one of those adjustable voltage PSU's...but hey, a guy can dream... 8)

...to the other members active in this forum: sorry if I derailed a very informative thread!...

(and THANKS 'micaddict' for the vote of confidence!)

I don't think much harm is done from someone (perhaps not a DIY'er) to chime in and say, "Awesome stuff, I wish I could get one."  It's an outside confirmation that we are somewhat on-track with the general feature-set specifications of the design.

It has always been a rare thing to find a person who excels both in the technical sphere as well as the artistic/creative sphere.  I'm talking about top-tier levels of sophistication in each.  It does sometimes converge, and a few of these rare genius/artists are present here on forum.  That being said, this is groupdiy, and many technical folks hang out here which is awesome, but sometimes leads to the pendulum swinging the direction of gobs of awesome gear piling up that never gets into actual long-term production use and subsequently, lacks development iteration that stems from critical feedback from the field.  The opposite end of this phenomenon is equally bad and manifests in other prominent forum cultures where there is blind ignorance to how many of these products work.

Kidvybes has an established track record of working with and assisting many companies to provide critical feedback for their product development.  His interest, curiosity, and participation at the prototyping/testing phase of a project can only lead to good optimizations.  I for one am glad for it.  I want people within chat distance who will hold my work up to the highest levels of scrutiny.

I am one of the more common types of people who lacks BOTH technical expertise AND artistic chops at least in the audio sphere.  :eek:  I do what I can and jump in with both feet to make my contributions where I can.
chunger said:
Kidvybes has an established track record of working with and assisting many companies to provide critical feedback for their product development.  His interest, curiosity, and participation at the prototyping/testing phase of a project can only lead to good optimizations.  I for one am glad for it.  I want people within chat distance who will hold my work up to the highest levels of scrutiny.

...Thanks Chunger, you're too kind...truth is I've been lurking on this site for some time, but only recently (due to some of your own postings) I decided to jump into the fray...I hope that I can offer some useful input...I envy those with the skills to properly execute builds such as this one...I know my limitations, and I appreciate your support in allowing me to contribute here in some positive capacity...

chunger said:
I am one of the more common types of people who lacks BOTH technical expertise AND artistic chops at least in the audio sphere.  :eek:  I do what I can and jump in with both feet to make my contributions where I can.

...clearly, you've been making some very helpful contributions to this site on multiple levels (this project being one of them)...keep up the good works!
Yes Mr Chunger, you have made it not only easier for us learning this "trade", but you also (and matador) are putting to life a project no one else has in the non commercial/DIY sense. (im aware of ami, but its not groupdiy). You two are doing hundreds of us internationally a favor. That goes for every one else who contributes. I can only hope one day I can give back the same effort.

kidvybes said:
...I made an innocent inquiry...I'm not interested in having this debate (I've had it many times, somewhat successfully, on another fairly popular gear thread site)...let's just agree to disagree...

I didn't think we were debating anything.

I did feel the need to point out how ridiculous your assertion is that you were being ripped off by audio equipment manufacturers by 'over paying'.

Sounds eerily like a similar argument about buying music today.

The folks I know put their heart and soul into those products and they deserve to be paid for their efforts.

End of story.

...I'm not a newbie, sonny (far from it)...I just recognize that my patience and soldering skills aren't what they used to be...in the meantime, I'd love to have me one of those adjustable voltage PSU's...but hey, a guy can dream... 8)

No one's disputing your background.

chunger said:
Kidvybes has an established track record of working with and assisting many companies to provide critical feedback for their product development. 

Fair enough, perhaps he should refrain from biting the hand that feeds.

But I guess we've all been tempted to do that from time to time. 8)

His interest, curiosity, and participation at the prototyping/testing phase of a project can only lead to good optimizations.  I for one am glad for it.  I want people within chat distance who will hold my work up to the highest levels of scrutiny.


Biasrocks said:
I did feel the need to point out how ridiculous your assertion is that you were being ripped off by audio equipment manufacturers by 'over paying'.

...I suggest you speak for yourself when deciding what products qualify the asking price, and I'll do the same...I'm not disavowing the concept, simply wary of one or two of the companies you chose to post as examples...maybe I've demoed some of those products...maybe I've looked "under the hood"...maybe I've owned some of those products...maybe I don't see the value to me personally...maybe I believe there are better values in the marketplace...there's nothing "ridiculous" about doing the homework and making what we each believe to be the best investments in the gear we choose to purchase and support...what is ridiculous is your insistance on making this into a much bigger ethical statement than was clearly intended...I simply don't believe that certain products from some particular companies justify their pricepoint...my choice to make...you're welcome to come to your own conclusions...

Biasrocks said:
perhaps he should refrain from biting the hand that feeds.

But I guess we've all been tempted to do that from time to time. 8)

...the beta-testing I've done for various companies was gratis...I am not and have never been on the payroll when it comes to evaluating a product...so sorry, no biting of hands here...

...but thanks for the lecture (I suppose a crack across my knuckles with a ruler is coming next)...you're too funny, bro...

Biasrocks said:
It's called an AKG or Flee or Wonder or a Telefunken...

...and I believe that would be "AKG or Flea or Wunder or a Telefunken"...
kidvybes said:
...I suggest you speak for yourself when deciding what products qualify the asking price

Thought I was.

Unfortunately, you've totally missed the point and chose to take it as a personal attack.

And so I will follow suit...

...but thanks for the lecture (I suppose a crack across my knuckles with a ruler is coming next)...you're too funny, bro...

Lecture, ah.... okay.

Easy to say things behind your anonymous guise, with a total of 12 posts.

Knuckles - Nope, not close enough, waste of time really.

Happy you like the comedy show.

Perhaps lurking is better.


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