Hi ! 
I recently built a 4-channel tube preamp with a lot of help from a forum member: @thor.zmt
The diagram is his design and I only followed his instructions.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank him once again because he was cool, patient and understanding regarding my low level in electronics.
He was also able to respect my specifications which was (if possible) to re-use certain components such as the input transformers (CAPI CA2622) the tubes (12AY7 & 12AU7) and of course my HV 230v-230v 130mA power transformer.
Then Thor invited me to present this creation because it has a particularity: it is not a copy or an adaptation of an existing circuit but an original creation.
He will be happy to answer questions that are a little too specific and which I would not be able to answer.
Below is the diagram. It's not a "conventional schematic" but it's mine and I like it like that since it is very understandable (I hope so).
Some more pictures will soon follow because I'm now finishing the pre... (should be on audio tests next week)
I bought a second hand out-of-order IMG STA500 amplifier for 20€ to use its box because I needed a rack mount (and a new rack box costs at leat 70-80€ in 2U)
I must inform that I don't own an oscilloscope nor a frequency generator so no possibilities to make precises measurements yet. I'm about to get this equipement soon...
For information, this pre had been first designed by members of another forum, much more focused on hi-fi but it did not give me complete satisfaction in terms of "sound color". That's the main reason why I decided to rebuild it completly.
This last version sounds very good and offers much enough gain (for static mics & dynamic ones).
The Tx In are CAPI CA2622. Tubes 12AY7 & 12AU7. Output by Mosfet (IRF710).
One switch bybass or not the 12AY7 cathode R (activated by relay).
One switch 3 positions offers : no PAD / -12dB PAD / - 25dB PAD
HV is provide by a 230v-230v 130mA Tr / 48v by a 230v-2*24v 16VA Tr / heater by a 230v-12v 1,3A Tr
I recently built a 4-channel tube preamp with a lot of help from a forum member: @thor.zmt
The diagram is his design and I only followed his instructions.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank him once again because he was cool, patient and understanding regarding my low level in electronics.
He was also able to respect my specifications which was (if possible) to re-use certain components such as the input transformers (CAPI CA2622) the tubes (12AY7 & 12AU7) and of course my HV 230v-230v 130mA power transformer.
Then Thor invited me to present this creation because it has a particularity: it is not a copy or an adaptation of an existing circuit but an original creation.
He will be happy to answer questions that are a little too specific and which I would not be able to answer.
Below is the diagram. It's not a "conventional schematic" but it's mine and I like it like that since it is very understandable (I hope so).
Some more pictures will soon follow because I'm now finishing the pre... (should be on audio tests next week)
I bought a second hand out-of-order IMG STA500 amplifier for 20€ to use its box because I needed a rack mount (and a new rack box costs at leat 70-80€ in 2U)
I must inform that I don't own an oscilloscope nor a frequency generator so no possibilities to make precises measurements yet. I'm about to get this equipement soon...
For information, this pre had been first designed by members of another forum, much more focused on hi-fi but it did not give me complete satisfaction in terms of "sound color". That's the main reason why I decided to rebuild it completly.
This last version sounds very good and offers much enough gain (for static mics & dynamic ones).
The Tx In are CAPI CA2622. Tubes 12AY7 & 12AU7. Output by Mosfet (IRF710).
One switch bybass or not the 12AY7 cathode R (activated by relay).
One switch 3 positions offers : no PAD / -12dB PAD / - 25dB PAD
HV is provide by a 230v-230v 130mA Tr / 48v by a 230v-2*24v 16VA Tr / heater by a 230v-12v 1,3A Tr
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