Irish state brings forward legisation that requires you opt out of organ retention

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
This is a subject Ive mentioned before here ,
its been on the cards a while ,
Now the entire health system database has been hacked to f**k in Ireland and all peoples data is gone missing , and it seems even the Gardai have access (unoficially of course) , then again maybe it was law enforcement who robbed it in the first place and set up the ransom ,which was payed by the state , blame was laid on Russian mafia/hackers but who knows really ,
From a place where we allowed our most vulnerable used like guinea pigs for science and medicine illegaly ,there now providing a legal framework for it to happen automatically,
They promise safeguards and family will be consulted , but what happens the poor missfortunate people who dont have family to vouch for their wishes after their dead ?
their meat on the slab .
This is a subject I brought to the attention of Micheal Martin, outging prime minister here now back in 2018 when I met him personally ,
I have close family here who lost a baby not long after birth and the organs were missapropriated and never returned by the state ,
I'm going to be hammering on the doors of my locally elected representatives offices about this .
One of the chief proponents of this organ retention bill is incoming prime minister of Ireland , Leo Varadkar ,
He was closely connected to a deal the Irish government made with a large Chinese Biotec company a few years ago, access was given to vast amounts of DNA samples/data . In reality theres more than enough in the hands of the Biotec giant to map out the entire Irish genome , cross reference that with the stolen health service data and a retention bill that ships you out on ice fast , its like inviting the devil himself to dinner .

How much is a liver transplant worth ?
A million ?
Mr Varadkar made it quite clear and he's quoted saying it , he wants Ireland to become a net exporter of human body parts , for profit ,
He's brushes quietly to the side the organ retention scandals and experiments in the institutions of old and ushers us down a new road to slavery like meat on the hoof .

Automatically reducing a persons right to bodily integrity after their death is a dangerous step to far in my book , its an individuals choice , not a matter to be decided by a simple majority vote in the house of the Oireachtas for everyone across the board .
It also fundamentally goes against what most cultures and religions hold dear regarding respect for the dead .
Sounds awful, but then again, it is something I would totally expect from the same people who sell parts of aborted babies for profit and experimentation. Just remember, these Earth and human worshipers think there are 6 billion too many people on earth.
I just renewed my drivers license and I checked the organ donor option. Not sure who wants my tired old organs. :unsure:

I somehow don't think I will miss anything after I am taking that final dirt nap. :cool:

I just renewed my drivers license and I checked the organ donor option. Not sure who wants my tired old organs. :unsure:

I somehow don't think I will miss anything after I am taking that final dirt nap. :cool:

Cadaver skin is used extensively for burns victims so even our old bodies have some reusable parts.

In the UK the law was changed a few years ago so everyone is now assumed to consent to their organs being donated and if you don't want this to happen you can opt out. I think the new system is a good idea.


I've no issue if people choose to donate to science or for organ transplants,I support people making the choice and informed consent . I do have a serious concern about the concept of presumed consent with a body parts industry running off the back of it and someone telling me I have to opt out of something I disagree with in principle.
I've no issue if people choose to donate to science or for organ transplants,I support people making the choice and informed consent . I do have a serious concern about the concept of presumed consent with a body parts industry running off the back of it and someone telling me I have to opt out of something I disagree with in principle.
Well, if you disagree with it that is fine. Personally, I think having to opt out of it is a minor inconvenience compared to the huge number of lives it will save. I see no evidence of a body parts industry except amongst certain hardened criminals.


The full pathologies of the infants bodies in the Tuam mother and baby homes case still hasnt seen light of day , organs were missing though thats a fact .

My aunt had a baby close on 40 years ago , the child was unwell at birth and sadly passed away soon after ,
various pathological tests were done , they were in the end handed back a box with the incomplete remains of baby Ingrid , I dont know the precise details, I do know this much , the remains were in a shocking state .
They should have taken a case in the high court against the hospital and physicians involved but the trauma of what happened meant they couldnt face that eventuality .

I used know an old guy , he's passed away now,
He told me a story about how he worked as a porter in his mid teens at the local hospital ,
He'd often be given a shoe box ,which he would put on the carrier on his bike and deliver up to either the university or other nearby religious run hospitals ,
He liked the pint , one day on his way upto the university he stopped off at his local pub for a quick drink ,
when he came out of the pub the shoe box was gone ,
He got the **** beaten out him for his mistake .

My mother worked in the same hospital for around 25 years , it was common knowledge that there was something going on with the remains of new born children , on ocassions babies remains would be placed into the coffins of others in the community unknown to either of the families involved .

Even in the news today theres many families who only recieved back partial remains of their loved ones in more recent times . Some were sent out heartless letters saying the remains had been incinerated ,lost or misplaced .

Theres a huge issues of accountabillity relating to the medical system in this country , its another hot potatoe politics and media are playing a game of ball with right now .
The medical establishment hasnt offered the kinds of safeguards the minister for health has demanded , yet their happy to try and rush through the organ retention bill .
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Heres a recent link to an article about organ retention in Ireland ,
And another link here relating to Dr Gabriel Scally's report on serious shortcomings within the medical councils practises.
In certain ,mainly rural areas , their crying out for staff but cant fill the higher medical grade positions , a culture of lack of doctor/patient cander leaves many vulnerable people without the help they need .
Not only that , in the context of the body parts scandals that have caused so much hurt here , its cynical in the extreme and a mortal insult that flies in the face of every Irish persons dignity .
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