Falling foul of the woke brigade

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
A buddy recentlly got himself in a pile of trouble with the 'L' in lgbtqxyz ,
A pair of fine young girls rock up at the gig , they're all over each other like a rash ,
to which my buddy exclaims , 'you girls would be better off finding husbands for yourselves '
The reaction he recieved was more than he expected , instantly they hit up social media to create a **** storm , he wound up barred not only from the premesis the incident happened ,but two other nearby pubs jumped on the bandwaggon and barred him on the strenght of it .
It seems likely he fancied either one or both , opened his mouth without fully thinking and bang ,tried found guilty and hanged via social media .
What he said didnt sound like hate speech to me , but the return fire he got via an orchestrated hate campaign via social media most certainly did .

A straight person walks into a gig with mostly gay people in there , like say Rufus Wainright who plays Dublin tonight , you think your not going to get hit upon left .right and centre and leered at by creepy individuals , with smart comments to try and undermine your sexuality ?
This whole 'hate speech' legislation is being used selectively , it doesnt apply to everyone , only covers the minorities apparently , but it reveals the glaring double standard .
Bloody stupid comment by your buddy. But, I agree, it would have been better had they used a witty remark to put him in his place. The same detestable MO of authoritarian religous people play out with authoritarian woke people. I do miss the 90s.
To be honest Ive gotten away with saying similar stuff and it passed off as a funny joke ,
it can be a fine line though ,
I was going to get my buddy a tshirt printed up saying ,'Smother me in honey and throw me to the lesbians' just for the craic :p
So your buddy harrassed some women in public, this fact was shared online, and several establishments decided they didn't want him spreading bigotry there. Not sure what that has to do with "hate speech legislation".

A straight person walks into a gig with mostly gay people in there , like say Rufus Wainright who plays Dublin tonight , you think your not going to get hit upon left .right and centre and leered at by creepy individuals , with smart comments to try and undermine your sexuality ?
That would also be harrassment, and also bad. Thankfully it's total fiction. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you have to invent a fantasy about a Rufus Wainright concert of all things to justify your stance.
The cancel culture is in full force, so danger Will Robinson.
I recall one time last century when I was in a SF hotel for some industry trade show. I decided to check out the hotel bar before going out one evening. I saw two very attractive women, dressed to the nines, drinking next to each other at the bar. It was not uncommon for women to bring along a wing-woman when out on the town looking for love. From trying to chat them up, it did not take me long to figure they already had their evening pairing sorted. SF already had a reputation for same sex pairing, so this was just another data point reinforcing that theme.

While disappointed I didn't say anything to them that would embarrass me or them. As I recall they were both very attractive.

I call them the alphabet people. It’s all inclusive.
They also tend to scream the loudest when they feel, they have been run afoul of. The take to social media of today is like taking it to the streets of the 1960’s. However unlike before these don’t always work to the outcome they want.
In all fairness what he said wasn’t that funny, but it also didn’t strike me as fitting of the punishments the establishments gave him.
So a couple of pubs won’t let him in, it will pass and there are other pubs.
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So your buddy harrassed some women in public, this fact was shared online, and several establishments decided they didn't want him spreading bigotry there.
"Harrassed" used to mean something. Now it is a synonym of "offended." And that's not good for anyone.

Not sure what that has to do with "hate speech legislation".
Given what's gone on in formerly free countries of late, perhaps he's concerned with law enforcement involvement. The thought police are also real.

That would also be harrassment, and also bad.
Offensive, but not harrassment.

Thankfully it's total fiction.
And there you'd be wrong. When I was in college/grad school I had a friend at GT in Atlanta (friend of a mutual friend). He'd visit our town for a weekend and we'd visit Atlanta a couple or three times a semester (688 club and other venues were on the agenda).

This guy had a lot a friends at ACA and several were gay. He liked to hang with them at one gay bar. He talked me into going with him once (I am straight). Let's just say my experience there provides many counter examples to your claim of "fiction."

Perhaps you should ask yourself why you have to invent a fantasy about a Rufus Wainright concert of all things to justify your stance.

The real world isn't what you seem to believe it is. Grow a thicker skin and try some actual tolerance.
The real world isn't what you seem to believe it is. Grow a thicker skin and try some actual tolerance.
I'm not the one crying about a homophobe seeing push back or quivering at the thought of a Rufus Wainright concert. My skin is fine. Telling that you don't think the harrasser should "try some actual tolerance".
I'm not the one crying about a homophobe seeing push back or quivering at the thought of a Rufus Wainright concert. My skin is fine. Telling that you don't think the harrasser should "try some actual tolerance".
I didn't see any crying or any homophobia. He made a statement, likely in jest. The Neo Left has killed humor. Congratulations. Your skin is thin as exemplified by your arguments and assumptions which are completely out of proportion to the actual event.
I didn't see any crying or any homophobia. He made a statement, likely in jest. The Neo Left has killed humor. Congratulations. Your skin is thin as exemplified by your arguments and assumptions which are completely out of proportion to the actual event.
My read on the OP situation is that an older man hit on some young women who weren't interested for several reasons, they let him know they weren't interested, and he got mad and handled the rejection by saying something mean to them. Now that there's blowback, he backpedals and says "it was just a joke!"

It wasn't a joke he knew exactly what he was doing

I've seen that so many times that i have no interest in giving him the benefit of the doubt
I didn't see any crying or any homophobia. He made a statement, likely in jest. The Neo Left has killed humor. Congratulations. Your skin is thin as exemplified by your arguments and assumptions which are completely out of proportion to the actual event.
The homophobia is where he suggested that the lesbians get husbands. If you're unclear on what the word means you can look it up on the internet
Wow that really sucks bad!
It’s a lot easier then trying to remember which extra letter they added this time.
I remember when lgbt was a lettuce, guacamole, bacon and Tomato sandwich.
Totally agreed. This will blow over, and there are tons of other pubs he can go to harass people in a consequence-free environment.
That’s the spirit
My read on the OP situation is that an older man hit on some young women who weren't interested for several reasons, they let him know they weren't interested, and he got mad and handled the rejection by saying something mean to them. Now that there's blowback, he backpedals and says "it was just a joke!"
Read = reading a lot into a situation where you weren't present. Blowback = dramatic overreaction to non-event.

It wasn't a joke he knew exactly what he was doing

You were there to witness and know what happened? And even if it wasn't a joke...big deal. Life is full of actual challenges. Maybe focus energy on those instead of making a big deal out of little offenses (what you probably like to to call "micro-aggressions" which is an example of Neo Left drama).

I've seen that so many times that i have no interest in giving him the benefit of the doubt
So don't. It doesn't give you or anyone else the right to try to destroy someone because you don't like something they said or did.
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