Falling foul of the woke brigade

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I don't like to reply to you usually, seems like you have quite the advantage over me in how much free time you have to argue on the internet, but I'll give it a shot, i need a coffee break anyway
Read = reading a lot into a situation where you weren't present. Blowback = dramatic overreaction to non-event.
I was using past experiences and observations to surmise what might be a different side of the story we were only given one side to
You were there to witness and know what happened? And even if it wasn't a joke...big deal. Life is full of actual challenges. Maybe focus energy on those instead of making a big deal out of little offenses (what you probably like to to call "micro-aggressions" which is an example of Neo Left drama).
Looks like you're reading too far into what I'm doing here. Even if we were both reading too far into things, which i wasn't and you are, I'm right about mine and you are wrong
So don't. It doesn't give you or anyone else the right to try to destroy someone because you don't like something they said or did.
I didn't, and I'm not the one doing that, justified or not
It was a joke what's the BIG DEAL? And hey. If it wasn't a joke, what's the BIG DEAL? Everyone is overreacting except ME
I don't like to reply to you usually, seems like you have quite the advantage over me in how much free time you have to argue on the internet, but I'll give it a shot, i need a coffee break anyway
I'm retired after a fulfilling career, but I still remain active. Worked on my old tractor this morning and then used it to pull 20 old fence posts. Now researching water pump replacement and starter solenoid and bendix repair. You decide what you do and I'll decide what I do.

I was using past experiences and observations to surmise what might be a different side of the story we were only given one side to
In other words, projecting your past onto another event not related to you or anyone you know. Very logical.

Looks like you're reading too far into what I'm doing here. Even if we were both reading too far into things, which i wasn't and you are, I'm right about mine and you are wrong


I didn't, and I'm not the one doing that, justified or not
Calling people you don't know homophobic is "doing that" and is not justified.
I love walking up to straight cis couples and saying to the man "you would be better off with a dick in your mouth" and then facing no consequences whatsoever
Wow Dreams. I remember how upset and offended you got over me saying it took balls to become an audio engineer back in the 70s in an old thread. Funny how offensive that was to you and then you make a comment like this. I find it quite offensive even if if used in Irony which you did not spell out I might add. Seems like the op’s original post kind of pails to your remark.
Wow Dreams. I remember how upset and offended you got over me saying it took balls to become an audio engineer back in the 70s in an old thread. Funny how offensive that was to you and then you make a comment like this. I find it quite offensive even if if used in Irony which you did not spell out I might add. Seems like the op’s original post kind of pails to your remark.
If you're equating my two posts on the basis that i used the words dick and balls then it looks like you also missed my point entirely
I'm retired after a fulfilling career, but I still remain active. Worked on my old tractor this morning and then used it to pull 20 old fence posts. Now researching water pump replacement and starter solenoid and bendix repair. You decide what you do and I'll decide what I do.
That sounds like a lovely morning actually
In other words, projecting your past onto another event not related to you or anyone you know. Very logical.
I'm always using things I've learned in the past to help me navigate my way through life. I think having things like object permanence is great. Personally find it difficult to apply lessons i will learn in the future to my present day, but you decide what you do and I'll decide what i do
Calling people you don't know homophobic is "doing that" and is not justified.
I can absolutely call someone homophobic when they do something demonstrably homophobic. Once again, you can look up what word mean on the internet
If you all want to argue about weird rfk nutjobs while enjoying a cool tall glass of horse dewormer, go right ahead, but the casual queerphobia boys club **** around here should definitely stop
Not that that stuff isn't harmful, i just only have so many hours in the day
Your vulgar point I might add. I guess it’s ok when you make a vulgarity but anyone else is off limits. Is that how it works?
Pretty much, yeah. In their mind they are allowed to use hate (and even violence) to stop what they consider to be hate speech; ironic.
That sounds like a lovely morning actually
It was.

I'm always using things I've learned in the past to help me navigate my way through life. I think having things like object permanence is great. Personally find it difficult to apply lessons i will learn in the future to my present day, but you decide what you do and I'll decide what i do
Learning from your past is not the same thing as projecting. Look it up.

I can absolutely call someone homophobic when they do something demonstrably homophobic. Once again, you can look up what word mean on the internet
I'm quite aware of the meaning. I'm also familiar with fabricated drama.
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