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I just cleaned the tube sockets and the pots on this amp. It had been popping and crackling like crazy, but this fixed the problem and it was sounding the best it has since I bought it. I was stoked then after playing for 10 minutes of bliss and all sound was lost, then smoke! I unplugged it removed the tubes and pulled out the board. To get at everything you have to unfold it like a taco! Its not something I want to do if I don't have to because I noticed a blown capacitor that would be reasonably easy to replace without doing any of that. If you look at the attached schematic its C39 my question is would this capacitor being blown make the amp not produce any sound at all or should I suspect other problems? I don't want to have to unfold the board but I don't want to wait for parts and not fix the problem either. I don't see any other visible issues