This is going to be 12ax7s in between a THAT1510 chip preamp and AKM converters in an interface. I did it as a TRS insert on my M Audio 610 and will be doing the same on my 2626 on 2 or 4 channels.
The first thing I tried is sharing the 12VDC supply (also switch mode) by splitting off to two 2.1mm connectors. One for the interface and one for the tube (heater and DC/DC for high voltage). This was very noisy due to ground issues. The THAT chip has a dual rail power supply. Maybe that was part of the issue. I ran a separate 12VDC supply for just the tube and that helped considerably. But... I'm still getting some almost white noise plus some whine. My RC filtering has helped but it's still there. I can especially hear it (loud) if I use any compressors or distortion on the tracks (i.e. electric bass or guitar).