It was my fault! Sorry!

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Well-known member
GDIY Supporter
Jun 3, 2004
I am a very, very passive person, believe it or not.
But when I reach a certain boilling point, I snap my twig!
You do Not want to be around me when that happens!
Thankfully, it only happens about once every ten years.
Well, yesterday I snapped!
That little sob got too far under my skin, so I let him have it.
I also posted that we have a new forum!
That is what I believe triggered the noisy little sob to panic and pull the plug on TT!
I should have listened to PRR, who told me not to go out 3/4 cocked, but when I snap, I ignore all logic.
Then the idiot used a lame ass excuse about somebody hacking into the server, so he had to shut it down. What a fool.

Anyway, Ethan came through wonderfully, and within MINUTES of my post, we had a new place.
I tend to work fast when something dramatic needs to get accomplished.
Thats the way it works around here where I live. Very fast paced. If you pause for a break, somebody runs over you down here.

So I apologize for not waiting until we made sure that everything was backed up, but it appears that everything is fine.

So much talent here, I could not see us waiting two weeks to do this, we are too good!
You cannot stop GroupDIY!
Rock on!
But when I reach a certain boilling point, I snap my twig!

Glad I'm not a transformer when that happens. Thanks for pointing me here and thanks to Ethan for getting everything started so incredibly quickly.
"But when I reach a certain boilling point, I snap my twig"

I think you snapped a twig off the big tree :grin:

change is good! This is a great thing that happend besides the lost data.

Hey, Bialuski kept admonishing us to "think outside the box"... so some people thought way outside the box and just kept on going :)

I enjoyed TT and Bialuski does deserve credit for giving it a home for so long, but he really lost his marbles there at the end...
some stuff not to worry about if you know what I mean

Tech Talk, DIY Audio T4B self-made vs_ UAD5.mht

Tech Talk, DIY Audio API312 board here, untested7.mht

Tech Talk, DIY Audio FEEDBACK FOR GYRAF 1176LN (repost)59.mht

Tech Talk, DIY Audio DIY SONTEC PAGE9.mht

Tech Talk, DIY Audio The Official SSL-Clone help thread8.mht

Tech Talk, DIY Audio Input Shootout3.mht

plus tons of other ones... the ones above were over 8 pages deep... 1176 one was 56+ pages
Hey, maybe this is a dumb idea, but what if we all got together, and raised a sum of money and bought back the TT archives from what's his name over at RO. Sure, the thought of giving money to that site kinda makes me ill, but I'd swallow that pill to have that information back t my fingertips.

How much $ do you think it would take?

I'd bet he wouldnt take anything...

unless it was "too good to pass up" making him an offer would just show our desperation and increase his *fun*

I would be shocked if he would take $5 thousand.... $10k would make him lose sleep perhaps :)
I bet he'd $1K. If you read his posts over at RO he's not gotten more than $40 or so from TT members, and seems to be happy that it's gone (actually, interestingly enough he deleted his own post on that). So, voila offer him $1K and then TT was just a bad dream at RO.


Do not give that freak one penny!

Thats our stuff!
He stole it from us!
Where does he get off!!!!
Thats our DNA stored in those posts!

Pass the valium, I feel a seizure coming on!

What a little baby he is!
He must have the smallest tree in the world!

Remember all the PM notes that you got with his name on them?
What an egomaniac!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
How much was archived before Bigtree nuked the forum, anyway?

I spent many hours of my employer's time composing replies over there :wink: I'd hate to think that all of our hard work was lost forever.
FACT: bt has information that was provided/posted freely and made freely available to everyone in the entire world.

Now he is holding that information hostage.

bt is the only true criminal here!
[quote author="cjenrick"]Do not give that freak one penny![/quote]
Damn straight! That would be like buying the Brooklyn Bridge from a NYC cab driver. He doesn't own it. He doesn't deserve to be paid for it.

~ Charlie
I just realized something!

He wants to open up TT again to attract people, but he can't , because he knows we will retrieve the data!

Caught in a bit of a quandry, I'd say!!!!

Man, I don't know who is worse.
Pat or Smalltree!

:mad: :mad: :mad:
Boy, wouldn't that be fun!
We all go in there and start nuking stuff at the same time!
Sort of like storming the beach at Normandy, only we wouldn't get shot up. He would!

Ron, you are a Genius!

Howabout posting some porn images over at the other forums!
Naw, that is stooping down to his level.
I'm no genius, but the idea definitely makes you think about who owns what. If a member deletes his post, who owns the deleted material? Total Zen. I'm dizzy.
In the worst case, If someone wants any info from the old archives, let me know. I saved lots of info for many many projects...

But I think we will end retriving all the info!