I recall vaguely something about 1" thick clear shield used in front of his capacitor testing rig to protect the humans from flying capacitor bits.
yeah.....OK.....I also could have done a translation. But, I don't feel like or am I inclined to do a translation every time some member on this forum decides to post a response in their own native language. And, I think somewhere on this forum, it mentions that "English" is the "official" language of this forum anyway.I was curious and did an online translation. Must have taken me all of 10 seconds. For what it is worth, he was thanking Ian for the advice.
I don't think it is deliberate. There are a couple of other threads where the OP is clearly not an English speaker and has used a translation program of some sort to create an English post. I suspect that sometimes the copy/paste has not worked properly.yeah.....OK.....I also could have done a translation. But, I don't feel like or am I inclined to do a translation every time some member on this forum decides to post a response in their own native language. And, I think somewhere on this forum, it mentions that "English" is the "official" language of this forum anyway.
Can you imagine what a mess this forum would be if everybody posted their responses in their own native languages??? German members posting in German, French posting in French, Scandinavian members in each of their own languages, Greek posting in Greek, Asian members posting in each of their own Asian languages with Mandarin being the most common, etc., etc., etc.
So, I apologize for my laziness of not wanting to translate -- nexo97's -- Asian posting to English, OK??? I'll keep that in mind the next time.
Thank you for your guidance on product improvements.Safety earth is still not correct. I also see no connection from analogue 0V to the chassis.