103,000 People Sign Petition to Deport Bieber

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004

Apparently, if a petition exceeds 100,000 signatures the President has to give it official consideration  ;D
thermionic said:

Apparently, if a petition exceeds 100,000 signatures the President has to give it official consideration  ;D

That is precisely why we are not a simple democracy...  Acting at the whim of popular opinion is little more than a glorified lynch mob.

Bieber is just showing his A__, a common problem for kids with too many dollars and not enough sense.

I suspect the legal system will deal with him harshly enough. Maybe he will sober up and fly straight. or maybe he won't, who cares? Obama needs to be working on something more important. Like how not to be a lame duck with 3 years to go.

acting at the whim of lobby organizations or political berserker is not that much better....

interestingly enough, I do share Johns point of view regarding Obama and the state of his presidency... probably for the first time and possibly with  totally different ideas, but hey, at least he's not my president ;-)

- Michael
I think its pathetic that a somewhat misbehaving pop star is what galvanized popular opinion to this kind of extent. They couldnt get that many people to say " we dont want drones" or "cough up the money for disabled veterants and military widows", or anything else really? And they're taking this to the PRESIDENT?! The banker's pawn AKA "Leader of the Free World" is expected to officiate on this?

There should be a deep and collective shame felt by all at the state of this.
He should be put in jail for a few months.

I can't help but feeling that this is what would happen to most kids without his status...

At the very least take his license away.
I am pretty sure people are just having fun.

Might not be a bad thing.

thermionic said:

Apparently, if a petition exceeds 100,000 signatures the President has to give it official consideration  ;D

It used to be 25,000  minimum needed but that had to change as a few key petitions that were obviously not going to ever be considered, reached well over the minimum including the one where people from the state of Texas wanted to leave the union and the one about building a death star like in star wars.
JohnRoberts said:
thermionic said:

Apparently, if a petition exceeds 100,000 signatures the President has to give it official consideration  ;D

That is precisely why we are not a simple democracy...  Acting at the whim of popular opinion is little more than a glorified lynch mob.

Bieber is just showing his A__, a common problem for kids with too many dollars and not enough sense.

I suspect the legal system will deal with him harshly enough. Maybe he will sober up and fly straight. or maybe he won't, who cares? Obama needs to be working on something more important. Like how not to be a lame duck with 3 years to go.


Why do you feel like Obama's being a lame duck tho John...seems to me he's not doing too bad a job?
But then, I'm not that well informed about what's going on with American politics...  :D
desol said:
JohnRoberts said:
thermionic said:

Apparently, if a petition exceeds 100,000 signatures the President has to give it official consideration  ;D

That is precisely why we are not a simple democracy...  Acting at the whim of popular opinion is little more than a glorified lynch mob.

Bieber is just showing his A__, a common problem for kids with too many dollars and not enough sense.

I suspect the legal system will deal with him harshly enough. Maybe he will sober up and fly straight. or maybe he won't, who cares? Obama needs to be working on something more important. Like how not to be a lame duck with 3 years to go.


Why do you feel like Obama's being a lame duck tho John...seems to me he's not doing too bad a job?
But then, I'm not that well informed about what's going on with American politics...  :D

He has openly stated (threatened) to use executive orders and regulatory actions to pursue change that should be accomplished via negotiation with congress and passing legislation. Executive orders can be easily reversed by the next executive and regulatory over reach can be unwound.

If he doesn't even try to negotiate with congress (like Clinton did), they are not going to spontaneously bend to his desires.

Three years is a long time and he could actually accomplish a bunch if he focussed on areas of common interest (like immigration, tax reform, growing the economy, job creation, etc) and stopped beating the same old populist drum.  His namesake healthcare legislation is so poorly received that even some democrats up for re-election in 2014 are distancing themselves from him.

But as usual the Republicans are not much better, and do not seem capable of accepting the gift he has delivered them.

While there is a lot of ill will for the tea party, they seem to be a grass roots return to smaller government and return to strict  constitutional legislating different than the old school republicans as guilty of big business cronyism as the democrats. I don't agree with all libertarian themes, I prefer many to what we have now.

We have always enjoyed the best from both sides mashed together. Now we need to mash together three sides.

I sort of get the feeling that he's sick of the opposition making his life a living hell and wasting large amounts of money, which I believe the republicans did during their
tantrum when they decided to 'shut the government down'. Maybe he's somewhat tired of dealing with crybabies?  :)

desol said:
I sort of get the feeling that he's sick of the opposition making his life a living hell and wasting large amounts of money, which I believe the republicans did during their
tantrum when they decided to 'shut the government down'. Maybe he's somewhat tired of dealing with crybabies?  :)
While I won't speculate about his feelings, I suspect he is more distressed about his relationship with the public and his falling poll numbers. If anything the republican push back against his policy should make him look better in the polls.

President Obama is an experienced politician, and probably one of the best stump campaigners in recent history. At this level they are playing big boy hard ball politics and he gives as much as he gets.

The senate race in 2014 will be interesting, if these polling trends continue.

Now now. He's not that bad of a kid...

You're all just jealous...  ;)
desol said:
Now now. He's not that bad of a kid...

You're all just jealous...  ;)
I know I am...  ;D

A tidbit of good advice from an unexpected source (Miley twerk cadet). She said he has lots of money, he should pay somebody to keep him out of trouble.  QED

At the risk of veering off into something important, I need to think about this direct petition of the executive branch and promised response from the chief executive.  Yes the constitution protects our right to petition (aka lobby) our government, but the system is intended  for the path of such petitions to flow from the public to our hundreds of representatives in the house, and from there upstream. If an issue gains attention and sponsors in the house it goes to the (more thoughtful... cough) senate. If both houses agree something should be done, then it goes to the white house for approval and execution.

Direct petition to the president strikes me as a gimmick that implies that one branch can act unilaterally. The executive branch is supposed to administer laws passed by the government's power centers in harmony.

I am still trying to figure out if this is just some harmless gamesmanship. We surely have more important stuff to worry about (a long list). It seems those petitions become a new shopping list of micro interest groups.
