sorry if this have been covered already, but...i have many questions. i built one of these myself and am finishing up 3 for a friend! very interested in this circuit and I really like the sound of it.
i've seen pics of this one ( )and a few other eq3's with different faceplates, just wondering if they are all the same internally? is the eq3 the same circuit as the eq3d, except with stepped pots? any other magic going on inside those?
has anyone here attempted to build one with the stepped gain controls?
i know khs said the mid point of his pots measured 47k, just wondering if this is with the pots in the circuit or disconnected?
also, regarding opamp selection for the eq3d: i know KHS said it uses JRC 5532's for the lower bands, and signetics for the 2.5k/air & the 5534. i have only been able to find NJM 5532's, no one seems to sell the JRC ones. are these essentially the same thing? i have TI 5532's in there now, but im interested to try something else. anyone have some JRC5532's they'd be willing to sell me?
one last thing, anyone happen to have a scanned copy of the manual for this? i would love to have a look.
and finally THANKS TO KHS, PETER C AND EVERYONE ELSE FOR THIS PROJECT!!! it sounds great, the air band is on all my vocal tracks! i've also had success with using this for some DIY mastering. even with the fixed bands, it can definitely help to clear things up.