48P to "T" power conversion circuit boards

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Jul 27, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
A few years ago I had bought small circuit boards, aprox. 1/2" x 1/2", with surface mount populated components, for converting mics such as the Sennheiser MKH series "T" power mics to operate off 48 V phantom. These tiny circuit boards got installed within the mics housing , they were not external. I would like to buy a few more of these circuit boards but don't have any recall of where I bought them. Does anyone know who sells / builds them ? If so a web site or E mail address would be most appreciated. Thanks..
Thanks for that information. I was quite sure that it was not someone in the US, just did not remember who. I tried sending an E mail to the info E mail address with no success. If anybody knows if this person is still in business, please send contact information.
Since I have experience with circuit board design, guess I'll have to design and build up a number of them. I would have much rather just purchased what I needed from him, but I'll probably start selling them here as well as well as E-Bay when I do so.. Thanks again.