Thanks a lot for your Template !!! and all infosAny mechanical thru holes on the board for switches are pots make them as big as possible for better durability. ENIG surface finish the card edge connector if possible if it will be removed and inserted repeatedly for durability compared to HASL finish.
There's a trace width calculator in KiCad I believe. It cost you nothing to leave extra copper. I suppose the only downside is RFI inductance.i m using 0.5mm for power with 0.3mm clearance
and 0.25mm for components with 0.2mm clearance....
is this wrong? do i need bigger traces?
that s what i read... anyway it s for my personal use and fun ... so i will go for the cheapest manufacturing on JLCPCBENIG is not suitable for the edge connector, needs to be hard gold for multiple insertion durability. This can also add significant cost to the PCBs.
Thanks a lot for your Template !!! and all infos
here is what i got.... it was something really complex for my level, never had a shape limit
now i have to optimize tracks, T junctions and other messy routing.... ledMeter for GR will be wired straight to front panel, couldn t do better
hope it works i only simulated the single parts of my idea
anyway it was a cool experience and funny time
ok good to know ... i ll upgrade the board with all useful infos and suggestions before doing gerberI believe you use way too thin trace for your audio ground but as I said I'm not an expert.
Yes, I agree. ENIG is not suitable for the edge gold fingers. Usually, it is plating thick gold for the fingers for durability.ENIG is not suitable for the edge connector, needs to be hard gold for multiple insertion durability. This can also add significant cost to the PCBs.