Ah OK, so I had read correctly.thank you both for your involvement
the potentiometer is a good idea
my project is the passive REDD47 + REDD EQ
the preamp has 3 lamps
My datasheet for E88CC says 365mA.1x EF 86 (6.3v 200mA)
2x E88CC (6.3V 300mA each)
Correct. I made a mistake in my simulation, now it confirms even less than 0.75 ohm. Actually 0.15 ohm.tell me if my calculation of theoretical resistance is good
6.3Vac x 1.414= 8.9V -2V (diodes) = 6.9V-6.3V =0.6V/0.8A=0.75 R
the value seems wrong to me
I don't see or is it wrong?
But here, we're reaching the limits of simulation because we miss some data like xfmr leakage inductance, ESR of capacitors, accurate diode behaviour.
One big factor is how the xfmr reacts to load. If it's rated at 6.3V for 2 Amps, the voltage will be higher if drawing less.
All this must be confirmed by experimentation.