[quote author="EP"]You will need 2- 500 ohms, and 1- 1k ohm.
Configuration 500-1000-500 ohm[/quote]
for a 500 ohm (close enuff to 600) config, the 1k will have to be a log/audio or what clarostat calls "Z" taper. otherwise the impedance and level change will not be how you want. also, a 1/2w rated pot could theoretically be burnt out by driving ridiculously large signals into it.
[quote author="kdawg"]But who carries any Clarostat dual/tri pots? Digikey has them as "discontinued", Newark has them at "Special Order" with 95 day lead time...[/quote]
this is the real problem. even if you could buy and disassemble 3 single 308 series pots from digikey or allied (cheaper), you would need a shaft long enough to go through all three. also the sections are held to each other and the bushing/back by rivets. you can cut them to disassemble, but you'll need very small screws and nuts to put the whole thing back together.
the only place i know of to get all the things you need for this endeavor is state electronics (potentiometer.com). and they won't sell you the parts for just one. they might sell you one completed assembly, but it won't be cheap.