Drill a hole dead center of the front panel, then measure the size you need from the board to the chassis. (thats what i did) 
travis said:Great!! TS Cables did the trick! Ill look into the DI boxes a little more too....I should get a few eventually but for now I think this is fine. Thanks guys!
you'll shortcircuit your phantom supply if you accidentally put the phantom on with XLR > TS cable connected to the mic input!
If it is a mic preamp (no dedicated line input with proper input impedance for line level sources) you should be using DI boxes synths and stuff anyway. Check out for example BO Hansen DI, you can buy PCB's and the transformer from White Market.
travis said:Yikes!!Thanks for the warning....It does have phantom and Im sure I would have done exactly that at some point!!
I just bought some pre-made cables and pin 1 and 3 are jumpered going to TS sleave. I cant even fix them because they are single conductor shielded. Doh! Should have just made my own based off of Fig. 13 in Rane diagram which is exactly what you describe.
... Have you made one?
Yeah Fig 13 is correct. I'm actually not sure what would happen still if you have the cable right. Both xlr pin 2 and 3 would have the +48V so basically your phantom supply could still burn since it would be dumping current to the synth output ground potential?
desol said:Have you read through this thread Mike?
sr1200 said:24v + only (no negative rail needed) and 48v is needed if you want phantom. (all on the first page)
Alistair said:For 4 units you will only need one of the JLM AC/DC's. Go for a 6A Powerstation if you want, but it won't matter.
Whistlerock doesn't seem to mention current specs on their PS, but I'm sure it will be fine. 4 x 1290's will only need about 500mA, so double that for safety and anything putting out 1A or more should be fine. I'm all for over spec'ing PS, but I can't really see how over spec'ing that much will help.
As others have said, make sure you read this thread. The PS options for these pres have been covered in depth, in every option from 1 unit up to racks of 8. Madriaanse himself covered it in the beginning.