James, I read every word in your "rant." And while I understand much of what you're saying (and you're not "wrong"), we won't be changing society back to some previous (non-existent) "ideal." When I am buying a vacuum cleaner, I do want to know "the best" for what I need and so I check several "best vacuum" sites looking for a consensus. It is something I will buy only once every 10 or 20 years (hopefully). But other things are what I make my living with so I will do in-depth study of "the thing" and how it operates. It is all based on "need," "use" and where our heart lies.
So coming here to ask knowledgeable people is somewhat akin to looking for consensus among several "best microphone" sites. It is a more convenient way one can make a quick, informed decision. I have no problem with that. What irks me is when the enquirer receives personalized attention on this site (or any other), that person demonstrates a lack of gratitude, patience, politeness and the willingness to learn at least a little bit. I don't expect someone to have the same depth of interest as I have. I want just a little bit of being a polite, thoughtful, appreciative human being.
End of reply rant...