A&H zed r16 mixer, pan problems

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2004
So I have an allen & heath zed r16 that ive been very happy with. Yesterday i tripped on the headphone wire and the table the desk was on fell over. The desk got a bump, but no visible damage at all.

Everything seemed to be working fine, but today i noticed while mixing that the pan knob on like three channels is not working correctly. If i pan dead center only on side sounds, unless i wiggle the pan pot, then i can get it intermittently in both ch. (and on one channel it works as long as i dont touch the pan pot....)

Most of the channels work just fine as far as I can tell.

Any ideas what could be causing this? broken pcb tracks? broken pan pots?

Any help appreciated! The warranty is probably out, its about 1.5 years old... really wish this could have happened earlier.

Seems like it could be an easy fix otherwise...or atleast im hoping that.

Warranty wouldn't have covered physical damage anyway.
If the pots touched the floor they may have their wiper loose contact from the track.
Pressure on the shaft makes it work for a second.
Have a look inside and you will quickly see if the pcb tracks are broken.
It's not always easy to get replacements for panpots since they're dual gang and that limits your options wrt size/shaft/footprint etc...
Since it's relatively new, A&H might get you spare parts... Unless they want their service center to fix it...
Thanks for replying. I really want to open her up today, but we have to use it for a mix that has to be ready today. I hope its an easy fix. Atleast its not like the mackie desks where its one big pcb. This one has one pcb per channel attached to one frontpanel, so its semi modular.

I dont think the pots actually hit anything as the mixer landed on a corner, and then sort of planed out gliding on the floor with the upside, well..up.

keeping my fingers crossed i can fix this easily.
I also have a Zed R16 and noticed that sometimes the signal drops out on one side of a channel if you wiggle L-R bus switch.  check that maybe?
Ok. I opened her up and made sure to press down on all ribbon connectors incase one of them got loose.

Now panning works on all channels, but when panned dead center, the output is about 4-6dBs hotter on the right side.

Any ideas?

Seems like its not the pots anyway, i guess thats good ? :)

Jonkan said:
Ok. I opened her up and made sure to press down on all ribbon connectors incase one of them got loose.

Now panning works on all channels, but when panned dead center, the output is about 4-6dBs hotter on the right side.

Any ideas?

Seems like its not the pots anyway, i guess thats good ? :)


Maybe best to speak to A&H about it.  I know Mike from the company is present on the Gearslutz zedr16 thread: http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-much-gear-so-little-time/205583-h-zed-r16-firewire-mixer.html