Hello everyone,
first post here so I thought I'd introduce myself: I'm Robin from Hamburg and I've been producing electronic music for 10 years+.
During my time doing this I realized that analogue is the way to go. Now I'm well in my 20's and finally have the means of making this a reality for me.
Against better judgement I recently bought an old broadcast mixer that's older than myself. It's the Sennheiser M8, 8 channels said to be built to the same specs as the Studer and Siemens Mixers (Braunbuch specs). I knew from the start that it needs some work, so I've been stocking up on the electronics side (soldering iron etc.) and reading a lot of stuff. I don't have much hands on experience, but I come from a family of electric nutjobs (my grandpa used to work at philips in the 60's, father is in the tv broadcast industry) so I have been around soldering irons and correlation meters quite a lot growing up. I am willing to listen and learn from you old heads, so please give me the benefit of doubt on this one
The mixer is in relatively good shape, everything is built like a tank. I opened up one of the channels and it's all looking quite clean. I could not spot any leaky or blown caps for now (I referenced images from the internet but I might be wrong of course). The previous owner sold it as "serviced", but that could mean anything really. Sadly there is a slight communication barrier as he is a french gentleman in his 70s or 80s, so he gave me the schematics and I will take it from there.
So now onto the problems:
1. The Pan-Pots seem to be "wired" the wrong way, I guess? When the signals are panned hard left or right the phase correlation on the master is normal (-45°, 45° on my meter). When I turn the Pan-Pot to the middle position though, the correlation goes near -90° (-100%) instead of 0° (100%). So it's like one channel has a flipped phase? This is my biggest problem as I can totally not use any of my mono instruments without creating "illegal" signals. I can only imagine that the previous owner probably only used stereo pairs of channels so he never noticed it or something. Interestingly the integrated 1khz tone gen also exhibits this behaviour, so it might as well be a problem on the master module? I already did a long search on this forum and on the web in general, but I just can't seem to hit the right search term.
2. The other problem is that the channels do not gain match. This is to be expected from component drift. My intuition tells me this won't be fixed unless I do a full recap on everything. Which is not something I want to do right now. I can live with some variation, as I'm using this as a production unit for music making and not mastering or broadcast applications, so I can always adjust gain as needed. I mean, i wanted analogue and I got analogue. But being a naturally curious person I would love to have some further info on where to start looking first.
I have the mixer schematics, phase correlation measurements, REW graphs and a cute photo attached below.
Thanks for taking your time reading this and maybe even replying
. Looking forward to learn a lot in this place, I love a well cultured forum.
Thanks in advance,
Images and measurements:
first post here so I thought I'd introduce myself: I'm Robin from Hamburg and I've been producing electronic music for 10 years+.
During my time doing this I realized that analogue is the way to go. Now I'm well in my 20's and finally have the means of making this a reality for me.
Against better judgement I recently bought an old broadcast mixer that's older than myself. It's the Sennheiser M8, 8 channels said to be built to the same specs as the Studer and Siemens Mixers (Braunbuch specs). I knew from the start that it needs some work, so I've been stocking up on the electronics side (soldering iron etc.) and reading a lot of stuff. I don't have much hands on experience, but I come from a family of electric nutjobs (my grandpa used to work at philips in the 60's, father is in the tv broadcast industry) so I have been around soldering irons and correlation meters quite a lot growing up. I am willing to listen and learn from you old heads, so please give me the benefit of doubt on this one
The mixer is in relatively good shape, everything is built like a tank. I opened up one of the channels and it's all looking quite clean. I could not spot any leaky or blown caps for now (I referenced images from the internet but I might be wrong of course). The previous owner sold it as "serviced", but that could mean anything really. Sadly there is a slight communication barrier as he is a french gentleman in his 70s or 80s, so he gave me the schematics and I will take it from there.
So now onto the problems:
1. The Pan-Pots seem to be "wired" the wrong way, I guess? When the signals are panned hard left or right the phase correlation on the master is normal (-45°, 45° on my meter). When I turn the Pan-Pot to the middle position though, the correlation goes near -90° (-100%) instead of 0° (100%). So it's like one channel has a flipped phase? This is my biggest problem as I can totally not use any of my mono instruments without creating "illegal" signals. I can only imagine that the previous owner probably only used stereo pairs of channels so he never noticed it or something. Interestingly the integrated 1khz tone gen also exhibits this behaviour, so it might as well be a problem on the master module? I already did a long search on this forum and on the web in general, but I just can't seem to hit the right search term.
2. The other problem is that the channels do not gain match. This is to be expected from component drift. My intuition tells me this won't be fixed unless I do a full recap on everything. Which is not something I want to do right now. I can live with some variation, as I'm using this as a production unit for music making and not mastering or broadcast applications, so I can always adjust gain as needed. I mean, i wanted analogue and I got analogue. But being a naturally curious person I would love to have some further info on where to start looking first.
I have the mixer schematics, phase correlation measurements, REW graphs and a cute photo attached below.
Thanks for taking your time reading this and maybe even replying
Thanks in advance,
Images and measurements: