Good evening everyone, glad to be actually posting something to say hello to you all. I've been lurking and soaking up various tidbits of the vast array of knowledge floating around this place for some time--several months at least--and thought it was finally time to say hello and introduce myself.
I'm Nathan and glad to be here. NOT an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just someone that's gotten into DIY over the last year or so. I started off by building a (rather ambitious for build #2 ever) DIYRE OLA5 opto compressor kit and I've been hooked ever since. Since then I've done quite a bit of 500-series equipment (mic pres, 76-style FET compressors, a mid-side unit, among other things). Have been more in guitar pedal mode the last few months, trying my hand at working on the design side of things a little more rather than putting units together from kits...but I hear rackmount equipment builds calling my name again.
Anyway, thanks for sharing what you know and your ideas--hopefully I'll be able to meaningfully contribute at some point. Until then, I learn.
I'm Nathan and glad to be here. NOT an electrical engineer by any stretch of the imagination, just someone that's gotten into DIY over the last year or so. I started off by building a (rather ambitious for build #2 ever) DIYRE OLA5 opto compressor kit and I've been hooked ever since. Since then I've done quite a bit of 500-series equipment (mic pres, 76-style FET compressors, a mid-side unit, among other things). Have been more in guitar pedal mode the last few months, trying my hand at working on the design side of things a little more rather than putting units together from kits...but I hear rackmount equipment builds calling my name again.
Anyway, thanks for sharing what you know and your ideas--hopefully I'll be able to meaningfully contribute at some point. Until then, I learn.