A mechanical question for the manufacturing people here..

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2005
Kuhmoinen, Finland
I am going to do a small run on mic preamps. Good mic pre for cheap, will be a sort of a poor man's Neev. :razz:

To keep the price low, I'm going to need to have all the mechanical work done automatically. I'm not going to drill any holes, because that quickly adds in the hours (and doing it by hand is inaccurate, too).

Front & back panels are easy, but how about PCB stands? How are those solid threads for PCB stands on the bottom plates made?

I wouldn't want to have any screws visible on the bottom, this thing needs to be rock solid mechanically. So the only way is to have a thread on the inside of the unit only.. :? I've seen some sort of threaded pieces that can be riveted in holes but that's about it.
Press-nuts inserted directly into the base of the cabinet?


Jakob E.
The press nuts look good....... there's also nutserts and jacknuts. Photos here....
There's no call for that.

They're mine and I can do wot I like wiv 'em.

Jaako, talk to whoever is doing your metal work and see what they are tooled up for. Could be easier to let them do it: eg press nuts ...... could be a lot cheaper if you do it eg: nutserts.... all depends on their set up and price.


hex rivet type:

these kind attatch to the pc board instead :

here in the states, many metal shops are set up to use PEM hardware:


we use threaded inserts from them on our panels to secure the meter and ratio switch banks to the front panel of the MC77. i'm sure something similar is available in your part of the world.

The PEM hardware stuff looks very good to me..

Thanks everyone, I've now been able to figure out the finnish word for these things and found some suppliers. :thumb: