This is all basic audio level control. Why so many questions??
This preamp can make output over 40V peak; "must" go there to get "the tone".
You can't possibly need more than 2V-3V for any next stage (except the guts of a Fender).
So you want roughly 20:1 loss.
You mention frequency response from a too-high value pot feeding a line. So don't use the 1Meg pot, that's just wrong. Even when driving just a foot of wire a 1Meg at half-gain will roll-off the top of the audio band.
The 12AX7 stage is taken from a handbook and actually aimed for a 220k load. When you figure a lot of Fenders you see that Leo knew that and often got pretty near.
220k and 10k pot is 20:1 loss and <10K line impedance for all practical purpose.