For those who are curious, it appears – after closer scrutiny of the service manual - that any BX20 with the auxiliary amplifier board (the little daughter card that sits atop the amplifier boards) is an “A” or “B” variant.
Regarding coils - from section 8.2 of the manual: “The first and last spring ends…are exchangeable, upper and lower spring ends are different, if it becomes necessary, nevertheless to exchange different coils a loss of 2-3dB at higher frequencies can be expected”.
To me, the difference between ‘upper and lower’ and ‘first and last’ coils is not readily apparent, but I’d expect it to become so when I open the beast up. Regardless, it appears there are _definitely_ two different types of coils for us to contend with.
My question is for those with failed coils – which coil or coils went open (i.e. with reference to the user manual, between which connector pins show no continuity) ? If we can determine that on average only the lower coils are going south (for instance) then we can focus on getting those made first. Either that or we just say ‘bugger it’ and live with the potential HF loss.