All members of The Lab read this plz

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[quote author="Gustav"][quote author="Aharon"][quote author="Aharon"]I always wonder when people buy 10 PCBs,where do the other 9 or 8 go to? [/quote]

Never build anything for a friend or ordered something together with a friend to save on postage?[/quote]


VERY few people buy 10 PCBs, and when they do, they buy mixed stuff, Seems more like they are adding to their own recording arsenal imo. There has also been a few grouporders, but I can tell you that noone is ordering large quanteties of the same boards. Cept for once, and that went through Jakob, so I highly doubt there was anything going on there :shock:

My remark was tongue-in-cheek Gustav,but I appreciate you took time explaining it to me.
I love the forum and a few people here have shown me they have what it takes to help others and if they keep a couple of secrets to themselves so be it,they ought to IMHO.
Hello all,
I find myself in the category of members to the forum with little to contribute. Most of the time I visit, I don't log on. I would characterize myself as an electronics beginner with a couple of tube guitar amps to my credit and an SSL compressor almost complete. If I can come clean, some of the topics posted here, such as the design threads, are over my head - for now.

That having been said, there has never been anything but the most helpful and cooperative tone to the responses to my posts and those of other obvious neophytes. The atmosphere at this forum is one of its greatest strengths in my opinion. My question is, would putting up barriers to entry be a solution, or first step in losing the underlying spirit of the forum that makes it so great?
When we moved, I recieved emails from the regulars who wanted directions here.
I also recieved emails from lurkers that wanted directions also.
The lurkers out numbered the regulars 3 to 1! There area a lot of lurkers out there!
Why have they not joined?
Maybe too shy because of their knowlwdge level, I do not know.
There seems to be a natural progression to becoming a full time member. I was a lurker for a while too!
I think it would be a shame to become a closed foreum just because we had one little incident. And the guy pulled the auction, so what the heck.
It would be sad if we lost some souls due to a closed forum. Many lurkers are learning stuff from us, and the more the better. Let them build their confidence level til they want to join, me thinks.
I think there are some commercial people who may be lurkers, whose joining could be good or bad, if ya know what I mean!
cj :razz:
I don't believe that restricting the forum to registered users will help with these sort of incidents. Instead of erecting a great wall around The Lab why don't authors copyrighting their schematics and PCBs. It takes $30 to register a work it in the US.
another thought... for all the grief that one incident has caused some people on this forum, imagine all the grief this forum causes for pro audio dealers/distributors/manufacturers all the time. Yes, in my previous post I mentioned that in some ways we're not really hurting them (if we wouldn't be buying this gear in the first place), but they may not see it the same way, and it's not always that way either. Not taking sides, just a thought i wanted to throw into the debate...
I keep going back and forth between the two positions.
It bothers me when I see people trying to pull a stunt like that, but then I remember how the openended goodwill amongst the group has always inspired and helped me immensely.

FACT: These incidents will occur from time to time, there's no doubt about that.

If we keep the forums unrestricted, let's continue to be cautious, vigilant, and respectful of one another as we always have. Parasites will come and go (and be laughed at in the process), but this group has always been the epitome of DIY spirit and generosity. It would be unfortunate to have to change that because of the few guys of poor taste that will come around from time to time. I guess my vote has been swayed towards "open."

Continue to discuss.

Great arguments for and against, but in the end it's true, no matter what access controls are put into place it will only make it less convenient for everyday legitimate use.

The teeth-bare ready to litigate approach that I used to get this guys attention was right considering the lineage of the MIDIbox designs (It's pretty much one man's amazing work that's still in progress) but the same response would be totally wrong for most of the handed down and improved upon designs here.

That said what about formulating a plan for how to respond to this type of thing -when- it happens again? That way everyone knows what needs to be said, what needs to be done, etc. with minimal impact on the S/N ratio here.

There is so much combined knowledge and more importantly real-world experience here. You guys inspire people to learn and experiment for themselves, and that is priceless. Thanks so much for letting me lurk around here and soak up some of the knowledge. :thumb:

Now I have an off topic question that's been bothering me....
Do s'mores made with marshmallow acid lamma really taste better than the store bought stuff, or is that just more phoolery? :grin:


I just read the members list and noticed many people with zero posts!
Aren't these people, technically speaking, registered lurkers?
On the other hand, if this place is growing too fast for admin;'s comfort/piece of mind, registeration for everone might be a good way to level our growth rate out a bit...
[quote author="JPrisus"]another thought... for all the grief that one incident has caused some people on this forum, imagine all the grief this forum causes for pro audio dealers/distributors/manufacturers all the time. Yes, in my previous post I mentioned that in some ways we're not really hurting them (if we wouldn't be buying this gear in the first place), but they may not see it the same way, and it's not always that way either. Not taking sides, just a thought i wanted to throw into the debate...[/quote]

Jesus Christ...JPrisus,

I second this as well..!!! again exsactly what I been trying to say, or get some people to understand...!!! You have a great mind..;-) This might get some people to understand someone like EveAnna manley..instead of making "fun" of it..when she does not want her schematics posted here..

Kind regards

I'd just like to take this opportunity to get my post count up to 1. :green:

Too new here to coment on any incident but i can say that i wouldn't mind having to reg up to view this huge resource of info and helpfull ppl.

Dunno if it would stop the knavery that lurks in some ppl's otherwise empty hearts and minds.

wow :shock:
been only away for a few hours in my studio and what a flow of reactions here! :thumb:

Let's hope my next thread i start about some to build stuff get's as much participants too :green: :green: :green: LOL

Having bought a few 10's of pcb's via grouporders, i want to say that these are for current and future plans i have, solely for my own studios. Having 24 channels of API will be a dream come true, as is a good number of SSLclone busscomps btw. :wink:
As a bonus i have the possibility to make variants (other iron, tubes, ...) among all of these that will help me contributing here in discussions about sonic differences etc... you never have enough colours to paint AND, i gain more knowledge about electronics, gear, engineering, mixing, etc... :thumb:

Still don't know if this forum should be members only or not. :?:
though one... :!: although some sort of registration would be cool, all it takes is 2 minutes, that's a lot less than reading, left alone understanding for the electronovice like me, a few posts of ppl like PRR :wink:

PRR, and so many others, thanks for the time you put in guiding and explaining us here!

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