Altec 436 PCB

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just a little sketch .
not sure if i read your schematic correctly.

hope this helps ,



in the image above

you join tracks at some really sharp angles .
try to avoid that , its bad form .

i.e if you were an electron driving at 250,000 miles a second ,
could you make that turn ?

try to make them 90 degree when multi tracks converge.
'T' junctions are better . a little chafer helps too.

in my humble opinion.

[quote author="dripelectronics"]
i.e if you were an electron driving at 250,000 miles a second ,
could you make that turn ?

omg, please tell me youre joking.
lol .

it was a quote from a pcb design book ,

more to do with reflections in pcb circuit design.

an actual real life design consideration.

and also .

my own 2 cents

ya ,

your very right on this , deals more with hi-speed.

but since he was asking for suggestions or ideas ,

i thought i might mention some of the basics found in

most do's and dont's sections of pcb design books.

best ,

[quote author="dripelectronics"]ya ,

your very right on this , deals more with hi-speed.

but since he was asking for suggestions or ideas ,

i thought i might mention some of the basics found in

most do's and dont's sections of pcb design books.

best ,

You could have brought up splitting traces as well :cool: :
multiple thinner traces in // have less inductance than one thick trace.

Again, irrelevant for audio :cool:

But back to topic, where are the days people simply soldered resistors on the back of a rotary ? :roll: :wink:

thanks for all those precious information.


I was thinking about the Hammond 369AX power transformer.

let me know
and here is version 3 of the pcb using drip's idea for the psu (thank :wink: )

let me know
Btw, have you seen any alternatives to sowter for in and out? I just realized they listed their prices without 17%vat. 160€ for both is a bit hefty.

You're right, I'm planning to adjust the psu of the altec to have the right voltage using this easily avaible transformer.

For the sowter, havn't look for alternative but i'll be happy to test some other transformer once my first prototype will be ready. Of course a cheaper alternative will be welcome...

If you have any idea, feel free to post.
I'll keep my eyes on your psu updates then. :)

I'm gonna do this p2p, but I'd gladly discuss components and so on. I've looked for alternatives but haven't found any. Cinemag usually has good prices but I haven't found a match from them.

I'm going to etch the first prototype of the board, I've order most of the part and will update this thread when I'll have new stuff to share

today I received some really nice stuf in my mail box....

Here it is


I'll check my pcb dimension.. and let you know