Hi everyone.
Thank you so much Doug for all the info and help provided
I'm in the process of repairing one my Altec 9475A units, I don't know if it's better to post here (in order to concentrate 9475 relevant info) of do a separate thread in the Lab. Please let me know what you think is proper.
Here is the schematic:
smaller part of the schematic
I bought the module already in this condition, and never use it before.
R15 (22r) Resistor burned and it's broken. I can see the melted solder on the resistor's solder pads.
I suspected something went wrong with the output stage Transistors Q5,Q6, but I removed both transistors and measure them with Peak DC75, and both measure fine.
Transistors are marked on the schematic AL50137-2, but that's probably and internal Altec code, the transistors are marked RCA 35934.
I even bought 2N2219 replacement transistors just in case, and selected for gain values closer to the originals, but it seems the problem that bruned the resistor might be elsewhere.
I removed the 2 Electrolytic transistors C7 and C8 (they will be binned and replaced) and measured them, none was shorted or open.
Although C7 , 25uf 25V, has a ESR value of 4r that seems a bit high, 2x more than the normal reference ESR values for vintage caps in my tables.
Also CR2 Didode that was next to the resistor on the PCB, seems crooked from the heat,CR1 Diode looks a bit crooked also.
Altec service Manual, lists 1N456 Diode has the replacement.
I measured CR2 and seems to measure ok, 0.6v forward voltage drop, and blocks in the other way around
Tested and measured Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4, and all transistors are fine
What do you think might have contributed to R15 Burn?
Thank you
Thank you so much Doug for all the info and help provided
I'm in the process of repairing one my Altec 9475A units, I don't know if it's better to post here (in order to concentrate 9475 relevant info) of do a separate thread in the Lab. Please let me know what you think is proper.
Here is the schematic:

smaller part of the schematic

I bought the module already in this condition, and never use it before.
R15 (22r) Resistor burned and it's broken. I can see the melted solder on the resistor's solder pads.

I suspected something went wrong with the output stage Transistors Q5,Q6, but I removed both transistors and measure them with Peak DC75, and both measure fine.
Transistors are marked on the schematic AL50137-2, but that's probably and internal Altec code, the transistors are marked RCA 35934.
I even bought 2N2219 replacement transistors just in case, and selected for gain values closer to the originals, but it seems the problem that bruned the resistor might be elsewhere.
I removed the 2 Electrolytic transistors C7 and C8 (they will be binned and replaced) and measured them, none was shorted or open.
Although C7 , 25uf 25V, has a ESR value of 4r that seems a bit high, 2x more than the normal reference ESR values for vintage caps in my tables.
Also CR2 Didode that was next to the resistor on the PCB, seems crooked from the heat,CR1 Diode looks a bit crooked also.
Altec service Manual, lists 1N456 Diode has the replacement.
I measured CR2 and seems to measure ok, 0.6v forward voltage drop, and blocks in the other way around

Tested and measured Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4, and all transistors are fine
What do you think might have contributed to R15 Burn?
Thank you