The parallel transistors are just for noise, they work exactly the same as it if where just one (one for Q3 to Q6 and another for Q7 to Q10, I'll call them Q3 and Q7 from now on)
Q11 is a constant current source at the emitter of Q3 for polarization. Same for Q12 and Q7.
Q3 and the upper half of the TL072 (U2a from now, U2b is the half on the bottom) is configured as a transamp, in other terms, Q3 and it's polarization components, (C6, R5, R6, R7, R13 and Q1, sharing CR1 CR2 and R12) make a new input stage for U2a working effectively as a whole opamp, with better input noise performance (and other improved specs)
Everything at the left of Q3 and Q7 is the input protections and bias for the bases of them. R25 is to provide a DC path to U2 non inverting inputs, C9 is to reduce the noise at that resistor, which going to a rail doesn't make much sense compared to ground which should be cleaner.
Once you picture all that as an opamp, there is a instrumentation amplifier configuration. R8 and R11 are the feedback resistors, R3+R26 is the gain resistor, everything from U2 to the right form the subtraction amplifier.