AML ez1081 - Help me diagnose a major fault

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New member
Jan 17, 2025
Hi there - first post here. I bought a secondhand ready constructed AML ez1081 from eBay a few years ago. It was sold with a fault, no output and having built similar projects before including a GSSL Bus compressor I thought this might be an easy fix.

Sadly it seems to have me beat...At the moment the issue I can't seem to get past is that I have the negative rail voltage present on Pin1 (non inverting input) of the BA338 amplifier section. It looks like some sort of short between the input and rail. The power section looks fine, getting + and - 16v and a regulated 8v or so on the outlet of the voltage regulator but it seem to be an issue in the gain stage side.

I've downloaded the ez1081 colourbook for reference and it has some test points marked on the schematic but it doesn't give any clues at all about what the correct values should be. Currently I have:
TP1 -16v,
TP2 -16v
TP3 +6v
TP4 -15v
TP5 -6V
TP6 +16v
TP7 +16v

Can anybody please give any insight to how to find the fault? Thanks.
Thanks for the reply.

I have this one that's in the build manual for the ez1081. At the moment I have -16v on Pin1 and -16v either side of the diode D3 which can't be right... Could it be a shorted transistor?
The BA338 and BA340 amplifiers are designed to operate from a single 24V supply. Pin3 is zero volts and pin6 is +24V


Thanks, but it's for a 500 series rack and therefore limited by 16v/-16v supply voltage. I believe the 24v range is achieved by running the negative at -16v and positive at +8v (Pin 6) through a voltage regulator. In any case it's not my design, I'm just trying to get this unit to work. Pin3 should be -16v but I don't think it should also be present on Pin 1.