Ampex MM1200 tension sense label? Transport with Tension control card alignment?

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
I'm just finishing off setting up an MM1200 and want to check the tension arm calibration.
It was jammed before, now i've free'd it up i may need to calibrate it again but i don't have a "tension sense label"
Does anyone have a drawing or dimensions for one please?
thanks mate!
I don't quite understand where that goes tho..?

I do have a Tentelometer but its only for 1/4 inch i think. Possibly it can be re-calibrated for 2inch.

Edit: I see i can recal for 2 inch, excellent.

Does anyone have the procedure for setting up the transport when the additional tension control card mod is fitted??
Do i just setup the supply reel as per the manual and the tension control card takes charge of the take up reel?

The transport PWA has "no control of outbound motor" tipex'd on it and "Arny's Shack LTD, Serial 04"

I don't have any documentation for the Tension control card.
mrclunk said:
thanks mate!
I don't quite understand where that goes tho..?
Thats a picture  of the deck plate, ruler for scale.
The tension kit manual is on the web, do a search for it. It has full alignment instructions.
That card will have come from Arny in the UK, look for Ampex sites, he has a site in the UK. Try searching for ATR124, he has 2 or 3.
Incidentally I am working on a tension kit to do the same as the Ampex kit for people who dont have that mod.
The tension label made perfect sense once the tension arm cover was removed.
There's actually a little mark on the chassis just where your 2inch line sits so that must of been what the previous owner used.

I've found a nice bullet point guide to setting up the transport with a tension controller card fitted.

I can't find the tension kit manual anywhere...
Does anyone have a copy?

Or can some one tell me what trimmers  r63 and r62 are for? On the take-up tension controller pwa.
They set the tension for 1 inch and two inch. There is a jumper in the headblock which tells the transport which head block is fitted.
Go to my website, Look for the Ampex MM1200 page.
At the bottom is a link to the Tension Controller manual.
Thanks, but i think thats R60 and R61. They have it written next to them anyway.
The only schematic i have is illegible.

I've managed to setup the transport ok, i think..
Have a few niggles to work out but it generally runs ok.


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