Any Idea What's Wrong with my Weller Station?

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004

I've had a WSD81 / WSP80 digital station for around 5-6 yrs now. Over the last week the temp gauge has started dropping and flashing, without going back up. If I switch on / off it goes back to set temp. At this point it maintains temp, but then drops again, after 5-20 mins.

The obvious culprit is the lead on the WSP80 iron, as this has 5+ yrs of fatigue. However, if I twist the lead around it makes no difference - the only way to get iron back to temp is to switch off / on the station.

A new WSP80 is expensive, so I don't want to buy one to find it's the PSU / Station. The WSP80 is so much I might even kick it into the long grass and buy a new digital Hakko (my friend has one and I've got iron envy). The Hakko's not as thin as the WSP80 - that's the 80's sucker punch.

All the time spent repairing the iron could be better spent clearing the backlog of work I have... If I send the Weller to an official repair centre I dread to think what the cost will be...

Maybe it's time to power up the Hakko 936 whilst I await the arrival of a new Hakko? Have you seen this occur with a WSD81 / 80 combo? Any ideas? Element?

Thanks in advance.
The usual for stations is remove the tip and check the spring-loading in there.  If it is dirty or sticking blow it out with air and get it smooth.  Sometimes it gets gummy in the handle.  Check the base/cable connectors for anything obvious.  You can remove the shell of the cable connector and look for any wire that might be broken inside the insulation behind the solder connection as that happens a lot with use.  Same at the strain point on the handle.  I have gone as far as to check continuity handle to connector to find a broken wire.
The base electronics are pretty robust with a potted chip doing all the work.  I sent the older version of this back for repair 10 years ago and they specced it for $100.  In that instance they had to replace the base electronics.  Not sure if they still do that.
I KISS with the WTPCT these days.  Everything has gone digital and the life expectancy of appliances has suffered because of it.
Thanks, guys.

Unfortunately (or fortunately for my wallet, not my ego...) it appears that I might have triggered it into 'power saving mode', whereby the temp drops to half where it's set if the iron hasn't been used for a few mins. Apparently, this can be set (via 2 pushbuttons and a rocker mains switch) and can be triggered accidentally.

Also - apparently - there's a fault with the WSD81 / WSP80 whereby, if you're using a tip less than a certain size (the distributor suggested <1.2mm), which I was, it cannot sense whether the iron's active or not, so goes into pwr saving and the only way to reset is to switch on/off. In the 6-odd yrs I've had the iron I've never managed to get it into this mode before... I wasn't aware of the feature...

At this moment it seems ok.

I did panic and looked at Hakkos. Beware the amount of fake Hakkos on Ebay, it's insane. I'm amazed they get away with it...
Different model, but occasionally I have had problems with Temp control  (temp drops) on my weller, and the following procedure always works.

Remove the iron from the base unit (turn the connector ring left, and remove the plug).  Then plug it back into the base unit.

I think there is dust infiltration or corrosion on the connector, and the swiping of the connector contacts clears the problem.  It has happened to me about 3 times I think over a few years.