Any interested LAN Audio Interface based on Dante network?

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Sep 4, 2012
Hey, i'm long time DIY'er from Lithuania.
after release of Audinate Brooklyn cards, it's getting quite easy to implement DANTE interface in any audio project (for a half hundred dollars /pcs.) I think it's a future, and USB/Firewire/Thunderbolt interfaces will be obsolete in the future. Meanwhile, network based audio getting more and more popular in Live and Broadcast business.
I have an idea for 1U 8channel studio grade "stage box" with two Dante ports in the back, some nice preamps (you help to choose). So far i've 8 API's  in 1U prototype. This way you could:

1. Put this stage box on drummer riser, and connect all the mikes there. Just put it on the network, and you have all the channels in your Yamaha (or even Behringer) mixing console. Alongside with any third party, non-studio grade stage boxes.
2. Put this box in the wireless microphone rack, and just connect all the wireless receivers in to it.  Just drop the rack, put it on power and plug one LAN cable to the nearest network switch. You're gonna need more channels? Just put together more identical racks. You're not gonna need them tonight? Just rent one rack for someone else and it will be fully functional.
3. If you have a computer connected in the same network, you have all the channels for multitrack (or whatever).  Think about mobile recording, consisted of RJ45 cable, computer and "stage box".
4. Think about studio consisted of 12 record rooms and 13 control rooms. Just put everything on the network, and you can have/feed any channel(s) to anyone in any room. Everything works on cheap (or even existing) LAN cables. And if you have some spare I/O today- just rent them for some Live act.

I've tested DANTE network for a first time 2 years ago, it was senate conference hall in Kazachstan. They haven't had any of those "OMG it's a LAN network, it never works in my facility" problems by this day. I've contacted Audinate, and they're asking one-time fee of $8995 for license and programming software. I can handle all the programming, development (EE master degree) and hardware manufacturing (4 years XP in OB VAN building), but i'm not able to buy the Audinate license.  Someone would like to co-op? I'm more in to DIY kit here, than in the mass product.
Audinate.... they are very greedy for money!
I was interested in their products but have no intention to pay 400-500 USD for one device and just two microphone inputs in Dante network, imagine if you need 32, 64 or even more channels? Cheapest devices (read 500 USD) are also without any power and signal redundancy, they are like 10 times more expensive than any logical price for such a simple device, pigs !!!
Then, latency is much larger than I expected, practical implementation only for open events, and simply bad for studio etc.
In addition, they have ULT-01-002 with only 2 inputs / 2 output channels or ULT-01-004 with 4 inputs / 4 outputs, no product for 8x8ch
so you need to put 4xULT-01-002  or 2xULT-01-004 but they are not cheap to scattered them  on PCB, and you need a lot more space.
For me the most repulsive was 144 pin MAPBGA package (13 mm x 13 mm) is not friendly DIY

Why not simply use AES50 Networking, you do not have to buy a "BEHRINGER" device , they are now just part of music-group!
MiTkO said:
Audinate.... they are very greedy for money!
I was interested in their products but have no intention to pay 400-500 USD for one device and just two microphone inputs in Dante network, imagine if you need 32, 64 or even more channels? Cheapest devices (read 500 USD) are also without any power and signal redundancy, they are like 10 times more expensive than any logical price for such a simple device, pigs !!!
Audinate produce a limited line of niche products that actually go with a high price point. You don't have to buy an Audinate product, you may want to look at Attero Tech, RDL, Studio technologies or Visionary SolutionsL
Then, latency is much larger than I expected, practical implementation only for open events, and simply bad for studio etc.
Typically, latency is less than 1ms; if you experienced more than that, there must have been something wrong. Remember that this is the network's latency. You have to add the latency of A/D and D/A converters and whatever processing in between. This is not an issue with Dante.
In addition, they have ULT-01-002 with only 2 inputs / 2 output channels or ULT-01-004 with 4 inputs / 4 outputs, no product for 8x8ch
so you need to put 4xULT-01-002  or 2xULT-01-004 but they are not cheap to scattered them  on PCB, and you need a lot more space.
Audinate produce small boxes for specific applications, typically conference rooms where tehre is no need for huge count of I/O's. Otehr manufacturers produce stage boxes with up to 32 I/O's at a reasonable cost. 
For me the most repulsive was 144 pin MAPBGA package (13 mm x 13 mm) is not friendly DIY
Why not simply use AES50 Networking, you do not have to buy a "BEHRINGER" device , they are now just part of music-group!
Audinate is no part of the Behringer/Audio Group. Behringer build a Dante card for their X32 mixer, under licence from Audinate. However, they use this card in AES50 mode when connecting to their stage box, not Dante.
So, you may not want to buy a Behringer product, for whatever reason, but you may want to buy one, because it is affordable ($1500 for 32in/16out).
And you may want to use only AES50, but you'll be missing some of the advantages Dante offers.
MiTkO said:
For me the most repulsive was 144 pin MAPBGA package (13 mm x 13 mm) is not friendly DIY

I doubt that Audinate gives a **** about the DIY market. And there are real good reasons for a BGA package. Calling it "repulsive" is rather ridiculous, I think.

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