Please build it the way I intended - put it in the barrel of a 2-C phone plug with a shielded-twisted-pair cable of any length exiting it. You can easily fit 3 resistors in the barrel. And extend the reach of it's output cable by adding as much XLR extension as you need. Build it any other way and you'll likely have noise issues in certain system setups - I'll feel no obligation to help.
Is this only related to Version 2 you posted or you also to version 1?
Is that in version 1 the components will not fit inside a JACK TS housing, so I don't really know what was your initial idea or where would the components be mounted.
Well if both circuits can have problems if built inside a box and have 1 or 2 meters of unbalanced cable (and signal) between the instrument output and the circuit, then although they're great anyway, they are not really useful at all to me.
As my goal is to use them in Live Sound, I need to carry with me 5 or 6 small boxes with a simple circuit inside, I don't want to carry around meters of cables. The cables with connector will take a lot of space inside my luggage, while 5 really small boxes are easy to organize inside the trolley.
Also I don't carry cables, the musicians already carry the unbalanced cables and the PA companies have the XLR cables, so I need something that uses the cables that will already be there, a small box (with a much simple circuit) to replace a DI box is what I need.
So thank you so much Bill for all your effort and help, but if version 1 shouldn't also be built in a small extruded box then I have to look for other circuits. It's unfortunate in that case as your circuits have low a low components count and looked perfect for what I needed.
Thank you Bill