Any questions for a well know Analogue Desk Designer

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I have to pop over to his house at the weekend to pick up some secondhand Sifams (he is just down the raod from me)
Anybody want me to ask any questions on behalf of you all?

The guy has designed the following..
some Helios products

Initials of CJ

I'd maybe see if they can dispell any myths surrounding the sound of electrolytic caps, certain opamps and transformers...

I'd also be interested in their general approach to design as far as sound is concerned - eg. what they think is important.

I'm sure you'll get a good chat going on!
I'd like to know the level of involvement w ADR in respect to comp/limiter modules which appeared in mentioned consoles. Were these supplied by ADR, or liscensed by ADR and built by console manufacturer?
I would like to know critical the choice of "buffering" opamps is compared to for example "gain make" up or "summing" opamps. In other words: which stage (buffering, gain make up or summing etc. etc.) should have a high quality opamp....