Awesome glad people agree this is a good idea... Parts should arrive tomorrow... I am thinking of doing this in three videos... One for the capsule, one for the tube, and one for the transformer. Debating (depending on my time schedule) on doing before and after tests of each component. In other words doing an audio test of before the capsule change, then after... Then the next video... With the new capsule before and with the new capsule and new tube after. Then doing the same with the transformer. I know I don't have the time or patience to do like... JUST the capsule differences, and then redo the capsule back to the normal and do JUST the tube, etc... However I think this will still be a good comparison as you will get to hear a before and after of each, and hear the compliments between the components one at a time.
The Tube btw... is a NOS RCA branded 6072, however I was informed it was actually manufactured by GE. The date code reads 5930, and is Triple mica spacer, black plate.
ALSO to be noted... The mic I am altering is not an actual Apex 460, but decided to label it this as that is the common name everyone goes by. This is actually a PPA LD-3... It's the same mic except with a 10dB pad on it which I don't think the Apex has (might be wrong). Other than that I have been informed it's the same stock chinese mic sold by many companies.
Very excited about this mod... If these videos get enough views I will start doing more mod/build videos. I wish I had my camera when I started my Drip Redd47 build. The next on the list will probably be a G7 or Sela ST12 build. The G7 I am sure would be more popular, but the Sela should be a REALLY simple build... I think it has like 2 resistors and one cap. Then maybe another drip build of some sort. Eventually I would LOVE to do his 670, but that would take A LONG time and a LOT of money I don't have.
Anyway cheers, and thanks for the support. Oh, and I am good with a camera so this won't be some ****** video. It will be full 1080p, professionally lit, etc... Ironically enough though I probably won't do professional sound, and just use the camera mic, except for the tests of course. Then it will be edited in Final Cut...
Well anyway I will keep you guys posted!