I accidentally got into DIY and this site when I wanted a second 1176. It wasn’t because I thought I could do it better than a company, although after hearing how terrible a friend’s KT 1176 sounds I do think there’s some truth to that. I had lost my oilfield job and decided to go for recording full time, so funds were harder to come by than before. I loved my Purple MC77, but couldn’t afford another one at the time, so I was considering a Warm Audio when they came out. I just couldn’t do it. This may sound silly, but I hated the logo and the company name haha. I came across the G1176 and mnats projects in here, but didn’t have the confidence or experience to tackle those. Then I came across the Hairball kits using the mnats boards and that was perfect for me. It had no dumb logos or text all over it, and the build guide was very informative for a DIY newbie. I opted for the version where I sourced the pcb parts to at least gain some experience in that aspect. It came out great and I learned a lot, including things like how to calibrate it. I was hooked, and a few months later sold something to build a second. Now I’ve built several things that sound great and I’m very proud of, and it mostly boils down to finances for me. I could never justify buying an LA2A reissue for $4,700 when I can build a D-LA2A full of great parts for less than half of that. It has also given me way more confidence to rebuild and recalibrate some of my more “vintage” pieces, including keys, amps, power supplies, and over the Covid lockdown my entire console that was full of over 7,000 capacitors.